Say what? Bacon reader still works?!
So hypothetically, if an Israeli gets depression, is experiencing a lot of negative self-worth, and is having suicidal thoughts, and keeps telling themselves they “don’t want exist anymore, I don’t deserve to live, etc.”…
Does that make them antisemitic?
So Hbomberguy video when?
Edit: I look forward to it being 16 hours long and booking a day off work to sit through it.
Completely unrelated question: how hard does one have to rattle a sabre before it snaps the blade?
The number of soldiers isn’t the issue. The two issues are the civilian casualties would be unacceptable for SK and the NK civilians would halt progress as they’d need support from the SK army.
The other one is that China would almost certainly invade from the north because NK is a buffer state between it and SK, a US ally.
In like 5 to 10 years there’ll be veterans getting horrific flashbacks when the delivery drone comes by to drop off their pizza and / or Amazon package.
Spoken like someone who hasn’t had a good roast dinner or cottage pie.
The Mail has less utility than toilet paper.
Sad trombone noises.
Oh ducking hell, not again!
It’s ok, not every social event is going to go well and most of the time it’s nothing personal, we’re all just kind of bumbling along through the confusing and absurd reality that is life.
May I join this group hug?
Thanks for spotting the typo, even I as an engineer and technical writer runs afoul of autocorrect 😂
It’s a real shame that Putin’s stupid and failed road trip is impeding a country with a long and decorated history in partical particle physics from contributing to the scientific community.
Russians please don’t lie down and accept this, get that twat thrown out of the top floor of the Kremlin.
Again I agree, and I don’t think NATO should withhold or restrict aid and training if Ukraine don’t issue a statement.
And I agree that looking back over targets hit between Ukraine and Russia it is clear as day that Ukraine IS holding to the high standard in place by NATO members and is targeting only military targets.
The issue is that in the political sphere Russia and their useful idiots and apologists only need one example to try and smear the story into false “well both sides did it” narrative which you then have to pull out the long list and start going through it i.e. it takes more time to disprove a lie than to say it.
If, as it is most likely the case, Ukraine accidentally hit a random tower block then said “whoops, missed the target there, but shit happens in war, it was a guidance failure / got shot down by air defence and crashed / whatever” it provides a quick response to the story the Kremlin will try and spin out of it add to the list of examples you gave how Ukraine treats civilians vastly better than Russia.
I don’t see the downside of doing this. The Kremlin wouldn’t know how to respond.
I did mean that.
This is true but if it wasn’t intentional Ukraine needs to release a statement if that is the case because:
Russia would never admit to fault and it shows Ukraine is committed to upholding the Geneva convention and therefore has the moral high ground.
That statement to Russian non-combatants would go a long way to winning the hearts and minds of the Russian populace. We can argue ethics and complicity of the Russian population in this war all day and night but the “enemy” treating them with more respect than Putin would make the Kremlin’s propaganda department sweat buckets.
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Sir, this is c/mildlyinfuriating, let me whinge in peace.