It’s a bunk bed like scenario, I can imagine sending a kid up there to sleep, maybe.
It’s a bunk bed like scenario, I can imagine sending a kid up there to sleep, maybe.
I’ve got a few dishes that want a non stick surface and have a dinner in a tomato sauce. I keep the non stick for those, and for house guests who don’t understand carbon steel.
Where is the weather person with a ruler outside measuring snow? Where is the close up of a plow uh, plowing?
I was going to say meteorologist, but it looks like Latin times says there are some people that disagree…
It’s down to finding a pair that I like enough. I’ve got wide feet and fit is important, and really only need winter boots, so it comes up late December and by the time I get off my lazy butt, it’s spring and I don’t care anymore.
Maybe this year.
No, I go through socks fast enough. Also I need new boots.
I would accept a single 6-day workweek in Q3, if that’s all I need to work that quarter, that’s a solid life goal.
But yeah, what he’s talking about is not sustainable, and he’s doing it to himself.
Seeing edit: it’s just worse. Sounds like he needs to hire more people, about 20-30% more staff by his own numbers.
My concern with a robot vacuum is Lego (and other toys). I figure the robot will either give up and move out when it can’t do its job, or it will find the bin of small LEGO, dump it, and feast.
What stage do you freeze it at? I need to do this, but I’ve tried a few things and it didn’t work well.
Crosshairs on people? Fine. crosshairs are on CEOs? panic.
I need to see a picture of your phone. Could you send me a chalk rubbing?
(Sorry, had to joke) More to the point, how does it take you an hour to make pizza dough, bread and tortillas? Pizza dough on it’s own takes 15-20 minutes active time, and then it’s a long wait
Am I the only one who sees the faces in the tail lights of the cars in front of me?
He’s another, also with an exposed X
Consider Turning off read receipts so they will not know you saw the message. Control the data flow.
(I’m assuming they know you block them by the “read” in the chat program, if you reply to them, that’s different, and consider stopping that. Don’t give them any attention)
The heat to melt solder is well above the heat made by the cores in normal operation. It’s more likely that the balls crack under stress in the heat/cooling cycles. (Also if the ball is at such a high temp, the core is likely way way higher, and that would damage the core)
Young kids, you want the least amount of confusion and you don’t want to buy them a tablet that you have to maintain/load up with videos to watch.
Eventually there are better options, but there was a window of age that DVDs made all the sense.
You don’t need quality to watch paw patrol in the car or on a plane. A cheap portable DVD player does wonders for sanity while traveling without needing to dedicate and pre load a tablet with kids stuff.
I borrow movies sometimes from the library, I’ve used that first one. (Sometimes you want a DVD of a kid’s show instead of streaming it)
Also: looking for a phone, any phone in our house has happened.
I love our zoji, but the inside is definitely non-stick. (Relevant to the conversation)