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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • We usually do tex-mex style tacos with flour tortillas as a semi-lazy meal but depending on how lazy we’re feeling we may or may not warm the store bought tortillas. At some point we’ll have a night we go all out with homemade tortillas and all of the fixings for really devine tacos, but until then the fanciest we usually get is mixing our own seasoning and warming the tortillas

    But I can’t imagine doing a wrap in a warm tortilla. Sandwiches (which include wraps) must be cold in my mind. Probably an just autistic texture thing on my part but whatever

  • I am tired of people saying trumptards are “misguided” or some bullshit like that. If you voted for him in 2016, sure, you could have been misled

    I’ve watched my in-laws change since they first voted red in 2016. Their reasoning at the time was that Obama didn’t reach across the isle enough so they voted trump. The other option was Hillary Clinton, and Trump said some weirdly populist stuff that made him further left than her on some matters, so can ya really blame them?

    But since then their critical thinking skills have declined so much, their comfort with risk has increased significantly, and their ability to empathize has dropped like lead. They’ve also shown their true colors in having zero willingness to make even the smallest changes to plans to account for severe allergies or their special needs grandkids (and refuse to see the obvious mental illness and distress in some of their family too)

    Quite frankly, Trump’s base is a cult of personality. These poor souls need to be deprogrammed and taught once again how to think critically, and probably temporarily disconnected from social media and cable news

  • The EFF had a handy explainer a couple of years ago on basically that subject:


    Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM): Service providers are required to report any CSAM on their servers to the CyberTipline operated by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), a private, nonprofit organization established by the U.S. Congress, and can be criminally prosecuted for knowingly facilitating its distribution. NCMEC shares those reports with law enforcement. However, you are not required to affirmatively monitor your instance for CSAM.

    By my understanding, you don’t have to setup proactive monitoring for CSAM being federated in, but if you specifically spot CSAM or it is reported to you then you are legally obligated to report it

  • The biggest challenge with believing in extra terrestrial beings visiting earth is just the sheer size of space. The closest solar system to Earth is Alpha Centauri which is over 4 light years away. By our current understanding of physics it is impossible to travel faster than light, so any visitors from Alpha Centauri would have had to travel for centuries if not millennia to get here (going really fast requires a ton of energy amongst other engineering challenges) simply put interstellar travel is so prohibitively slow and expensive that it will likely be reserved purely for colonization/exploration or only for the most dire of needs.

    But on top of the sheer challenge of interstellar travel is the challenge of timing. The earth is 4 billion years old and the universe is around 13 billion years old. How would a visitor traveling for centuries know that the time is right to visit? How would they know we won’t have experienced an extinction event by the time they get here? Would they even know we exist by the time they leave to visit? Or even more existentially, Humans have only been around for about 200k years or 0.0066% of the Earth’s lifetime so far. Imagine a duplicate of earth with the same history and occupants but forming just 0.1 billion years earlier. If the human equivalents are still around on that clone-earth their civilization would be literally older than the dinosaurs are here. Except there are planets both billions of years older and newer than earth, so how many of those have previously hosted intelligent life that’s since experienced an extinction event, and how many of those will one day have intelligent life form on them?

    Basically extra terrestrial life is inevitable in this universe, but the chances of humans ever meeting an intelligent life form from another planet is basically 0 due to the sheer scale of time and space separating us from anywhere and anywhen such intelligent life might exist

  • About a decade ago I was playing a game on Linux and the game crashed and took the entire DE with it. So I went to a different tty and started a fresh x desktop session and started playing again until the game crashed again (I was running a bunch of mods so it would crash every couple of hours or so) and still didn’t feel like rebooting so I went to yet another tty and started yet another x desktop session. I did this about 3 times in total before I finally went “I should probably actually reboot because this has to be making a bigger mess of things”