Damn, you really do suck more as a person than you do at math.
Damn, you really do suck more as a person than you do at math.
Weird to flex when you have nothing to show off. Let me show you how you do it, buddy: I am a mathematician. Infinity, density and cardinality of sets are not mysterious to me because I read a lot of books. If you read a few then you might discover your very cool comment above was actually not so cool and true.
I most assuredly am talking about your false statement regarding density.
They should look up the classic example of rationals in the real numbers. Their statement could hardly be more wrong.
LunarVim is dead I think. In the issues section the (main?) dev says they recommend switching to something else and that they have gone over to Astronvim.
Yeah, it is almost as if the companies operating in the area are price gouging on the basis of workers’ salaries 🤔
As a Norwegian I talked to some acquaintances about a TV-series they liked and I asked “Cool, where can I watch it?”. Then we all just looked at each other and laughed.
You see, streaming is a service and you choosing to not use their service is… uhmm… theft!
I know I am. I am also entitled to challenge your notion of “this is terrible” that is not really constructive to
I do not like them because the animations are arbitrary, with no proper theme and consistency to how they work and what they actually represent.
This is actually informative.
They do have a working class, but your second point is all too true, which is why it has made no impact.
No, I am essentially asking why they suck if a common user, such as me, likes them. Seems they fulfilled their purpose?
They made me want to click each of them. So am I allowed to consider them nice, or is your “professional” opinion going to be the judgement of that?
We need to ban spoons because they are nazi pedophiles’ preferred tool for eating soup.
Almost everyone on Lemmy are huge nerds (me included) and are too busy playing Factorio to post replies to your question. THE FACTORY MUST GROW
It is still not civil war, it is just plain old fascism. The politicians that endorse “vigilantes” to uphold “democracy”, “freedom” or whatever bullshit they can make up, are just exerting regular political violence from the old fascist playbook.
Making you feel scared is the point.
NixOS and ext4 user here with no problems. Care to elaborate?
There is absolutely a corrolation between being stupid and being a neo-nazi. However, in this regard smart people are even more dangerous since they are not only capable of fooling themselves but others as well.
I detested differential equations. However, that was more due to how it was presented than the underlying, surprisingly, beautiful math.
I do not need a medal to call someone out for spreading misinformation. Sure you can have an opinion on mathematics without being a mathematician. However, you are undereducated and make false statments about the subject, while being ignorant and arrogant to those that correct you. That makes you a dick and me not hesitate to dunk on you.