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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2023


  • Sure, in response to this statement that is a criticism that Biden did not deliver:

    This all sounds like shit he should have done in his first term if he wanted Dems to have any faith in him whatsoever.

    You said:

    You seem to think a president can act unilaterally. Or that Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinema weren’t holding the senate by the balls until the house got taken by Republicans two years ago.

    I don’t think it’s unfair to say you think it is naive to believe that the “president can act unilaterally”, and the natural converse of naivety is being savvy.

    Anyway, I fail to see the point of arguing with someone who thinks I am a liar, so I will bow out of this conversation. Have a nice day. Believe it or not, I do sincerely wish you well.

  • I’m going to say a thing that would be considered entirely reasonable if we were talking about any other profession, but since we are talking about the powerful, will be disregarded:

    That is not my job. That is the president’s job. I should not be expected to come up with a strategy to solve their problems. When they tell me they are going to do something, and then fail to do so, they did a bad job.

    I used to think like you do. I used to think I was savvier than all the naive people who wanted things from their politicians, and criticized the politicians when they didn’t deliver, because how could they have? But over time I’ve realized that I was being duped. That I should stop arguing that better things aren’t possible, because when people believe that, it comes true.

    A criticism I’ll head off: I understand I can’t vote for them and forget it. I’m not advocating for reduced civil engagement; it’s our job to protest and agitate.

  • Trump did massive damage to journalistic integrity as a whole

    Not nearly as much damage as access journalism (e.g. Maggie Haberman style palace intrigue stories) did. The press and politicians being buddy-buddy is a disaster for journalistic integrity.

    You ever hear the words “fake news” before he used it?

    I did. The first time I heard it was on the PBS NewsHour, second half of 2016. Trump didn’t really start using the term until 2017/late 2016, IIRC. They were using the term to describe news sites that felt like “official” news sites but were not journalistic, using social media to spread and get ad revenue.

    To be clear, I’m not saying that Trump’s press strategy was good. Overall it was harmful; but the adversarial nature specifically was good.

  • Yeah, that should work. ldd "$(command -v "$cmd")" will list the dynamic dependencies for $cmd, so you can find those (probably) in /lib and /usr/lib; I’m not familiar enough with the dynamic library loading process to give you the specifics. I would put the binaries in /usr/local/bin and the libraries in /usr/local/lib; but you could also modify path variables to point to the usb drive. Ideally you could find statically linked versions somewhere, so you don’t have to mess with the libraries.

    Alternatively, most package managers have commands to download packages; then you can copy the package cache over to the new machine and install them that way. If the commands are common enough, you could download one of the bigger install media and add its package repo to your machine. These of course are distribution specific processes.

    Finally, you could get a cheap USB ethernet adapter and connect to the internet that way. On newegg most of these products will have at least one review saying whether they work on linux.