sometimes I talk about video games. RIP

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • I can understand that. Just as well, I don’t believe you deserved to be banned, strictly for that exchange of comments. You guys weren’t being nice to each other, for certain, but in the realm of people being mean to each other on the internet that was about a 3 or 4 out of a possible 10 in intensity.

    In the future just ask yourself if something you posted could make someone else upset, particularly someone invested or related to something you’re talking about negatively or are dismissing. I think it should be okay to express that, but understand that it may hurt some feelings, and people may become upset with you. Don’t give it back to them and sink to that level.

  • As self-appointed arbiter of the truth, I don’t think OP was trolling. I think OP responded negatively to a wholesome post, and even though their position is justified, that’s going to receive a backlash of some size.

    At that point the fatal mistake was trying to respond to the backlash, because the people responding to OP were definitely being condescending internet arguers, so…

    In the end, partial responsibility to OP for being negative on a wholesome post, regardless of justification, then partial responsibility to the repliers for being tactless about it, then after that it becomes everyone’s fault as they roll around in the mud together.

  • Aside from meeting people at work, Ive only manually made friends twice. Once I found a hobby store that was near enough where they ran dungeons and dragons groups that were low pressure, so I was able to jump in and get taught and it was a good time!

    The other was that I used reddit’s “gamerpals” sub to find someone to play with. Went through maybe three clunkers and actually ended up playing with a dude that I still play with weekly and is my friend.

  • You need to get the fuck out of there, there’s more to life than being suffocated by your parents. Don’t let them have the last laugh, the biggest fuck you you can give them is to escape their obvious need for control.

    I can’t pretend like that’s easy or that I would know how, but you’ve got to explore everything you can possibly do to be removed from that situation. By your description it sounds like they’re doing things that are likely legally abusive. If you can get out of there just imagine how much better your life can be out from under their thumb.