Disadvantage: you’re now using a browser from the biggest spy ad-ware company and killed web heterogeneity.
Disadvantage: you’re now using a browser from the biggest spy ad-ware company and killed web heterogeneity.
Thanks for that little riddle, managed to solve it (with the hint) during my morning coffee.
For a moment I thought you literally meant a penguin herder, I would be so happy…
You could try the book… The movie is quite tame compared to the book though. It sketches a very detailed look into the time as well. Iirc there are about five pages in wich Bateman explains why he loves certain music albums. And of course his whole morning routine… I really liked it.
That’s such a shame. ZFS has been rock solid for me for years while I hear lots of scary stories about btrfs.
Just a note, unless you have a very specific use-case you don’t want to do deduplication.
Yes, and it saved my ass a few times. Every computer I own now and in the future will have at least mirrored or raidz disks with zfs. On all desktops, laptops, servers and nas.
Even upgrading from spinning rust to ssd was easy replacing the disks one by one and resilvering.
The (k)ubuntu installation made it very easy to have an encrypted zfs rootfs but they may have removed it on newer installation iso’s, I’m not sure…
Ha sure, although since it is not well traveled there aren’t any Lemmy comments yet. But you’re very welcome to visit…
See: Gele Sneeuw
Nice, I did the same for my blog. Didn’t want to build a whole comment system when Lemmy fits the bill quite nicely :)
On a city crossroad, with warning signs, lights, pylons and tape not to drive over it, was a car in the center. Sunken to its axels in freshly poured concrete. The idiot driver had just ignored everything and could now pay to have the concrete fixed.
For when you dont need a GUI you can walk the tree from a CLI:
du --max-depth=1 | sort -g
Apparently TrueNAS are building FreeIPA support in their next release. It is currently in beta and I’m waiting for the release to test it.
I’m running Mopidy with web interface to stream to multiple audio output devices (like my receiver in the living room) using Snapcast on Pi’s (some with HiFiBerry module) over the network. Mopidy also integrates nicely into my workstation with KDE using MPDRIS and a local Snapcast server.
This works for both my music collection and some webstreams. I’m quite happry with this setup.
This is the best answer. I’ve been doing it for years at work. Dual-booting is just very inconvenient and WSL(2) is the worst of both worlds.
Install Linux on the machine and keep windows in a nice secure kvm-based cage where it can do less damage.
Ha, I had to look up the most up-to-date acronym on Wikipedia and found this one. They are NVidia and Adobe.
I quite like this one :)
I would buy YouTube Premium in a heartbeat if it wasn’t by the morally corrupt Google (or any other from MANAMANA).
As others have said: it depends on your technical expertise… But a nice and cheap solution is hosting a static blog build with Jekyll on Gitlab pages.
This is exciting! Amarok has been the best music player I have used since XMMP and was sad to see it fell by the wayside… Can’t wait to try it again.
If you’re still interested it seems that they’ve uploaded the keynote, see link in my comment:
Try sunglasses? But maybe other souls can still be saved from evil…