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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • Full disclosure: I ran manjaro as a daily driver for a while a few years back bad have been forced back on windows as well by company policy. So I’m not going to be the ultimate authority to answer your questions.
    All I wanted to comment is that with iTunes and Office you have picked two pieces of software by two companies that have a very strong interest in not letting you migrate away from them. I tried to migrate my gf’s password manager from the iCloud one to bitwarden and it’s amazing the hoops they make you jump through to get at your data. So what you might be experiencing right now is a thing called “vendor lock”, and I wish you the best of luck for finding a way out. ;)

  • In case you are serious: It’s probably not.
    When you’re not careful with parallel processing / multithreading, you can run into something called a “race condition”, where results of parallel computations end up in the wrong order because some were finished faster than others.
    The joke here is that whoever “programmed” this commic is bad at parallel progmming and got the bubbles in the wrong order because of that.
    The image makes perfect sense if you read it in the order 3, 1, 2.

  • To all of you reading this who are interested but don’t have home assistant (yet): I just set a timer for as long as the laundry takes. If I can’t go get it when the timer goes off I will place a “memento” somewhere (for example placing something on the ground in my way where it doesn’t belong) so I remember. The “set lighting to hell until I do it” solution sounds neat too, though. =)