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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Well said. Speaking ill of the dead says more about the speaker than the departed. It’s disgusting, and it’s extremely disappointing how many find it acceptable to say terrible things about someone just because they were rich.

    Death is the equalizer. No matter who are in life, we all die the same. Those rich people didn’t get to take their money with them, they’re just dead. It’s like gloating to someone you just beat in a race. It’s over, and they lost. Show some goddamn respect.

  • Oh my goddamn give it a fucking break already. You can say the same about any other son who spent time with his dad when he probably didn’t want to. The fact that they were rich doesn’t make it evil for a father to want to spend time with his son. It’s not like he knew they were going to die; he didn’t intentionally drag his son along to his death.

    Goddamn, I’ve never been more disgusted with the “good guys.” Coerced into death, are you fucking serious? Can we just investigate and analyze this empirically without making up reasons to hate the people involved? They’re dead, dude. Let it be.

  • …Then why are you talking to me? I’m referring to the people who are blatantly and shamelessly celebrating this. If you are not doing that, then you’re not one of the people I’m talking about; my comment wasn’t about you.

    I know he fucked up, he fucked up in just about every way you can fuck up, and he did it knowingly, willingly even. I fully support the investigation and exposure of every single thing that went wrong and why; that is how we learn from these things. We can do that while still showing basic decency and respect for the dead.

  • I don’t know why you are pissed off at me

    Probably because you came into a science forum, made some asinine claim with zero supporting evidence, and now that you’ve been challenged, you’re acting like a victim. Without evidence there is no argument, no discussion, no anything. Evidence is the only truth that we have. If you do not have evidence, your claim is inherently bullshit. It’s not even worth discussing until you have some factual basis upon which to build that discussion.

    “Some humans aren’t monogamous, therefore humans are not monogamous.” isn’t good enough. That doesn’t even make sense, I can’t believe you fuckin’ said that.

    You made the claim, you carry the burden of proof. Instead of acting like a fucking child, you could have been looking for papers that support your argument. I just glanced at Google Scholar for all of 3 minutes and scrolled through no less than 5 pages of papers on the topic of human monogamy. What’s your excuse? Go find some proof, or shut the fuck up.

  • Idk, was it necessary to make your name a reference to reddit? My fuckin’ name is assbutt, dude, the bar isn’t very high here. It’s pretty fuckin’ weird to call yourself ‘snoo’ while you go around decrying the evils of reddit.

    By which decree?

    Come on, are you fuckin’ serious right now? If you create ‘SnooFuckersAnonymous’ then abandon it next week, what the hell are the admins supposed to do with it? According to you, they have to leave it there, empty and unused, forever, instead of letting someone make something out of it. That is asinine beyond words.

    For someone who loves reddit enough to adopt the name of their mascot, you sure don’t seem to understand how it worked. You’re acting as if subreddit requests were exclusively hostile takeovers. Part of requesting a sub was proving that you had made every attempt to contact the existing mods.

    Transferring ownership to new mods is basic maintenance in a place like this. Nobody is suggesting we steal communities from their owners and hand them out to trolls.