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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I guess what it comes down to is there a plenty of things, big and small, that I don’t have an issue with as an American but I know matter to the other person. Usually it’s small stuff (how people comport themselves in relation to work, the line between direct and rude, etc) , but when it comes to things where people died, I think it’s best to defer to the people involved.

    Maybe that’s a trap of my upbringing as well but I don’t see that as American lens, I see that as recognizing there are a lot of lenses.

    And again, the original joke is decent, its a role reversal and punches up not down, but I wouldn’t want an American paper making jokes about Finnish biathalon Olympians spanking the Russians.

    Any joke with cultural baggage carries the risk you miss context. Again, I don’t think that’s just true for Americans.

    1. Yes: you absolutely want the outdoor rated PVC if you’re getting sun exposure. You can cheat, it’s not like the white stuff will be immediately destroyed, but if you want something that will last a bunch of seasons, the “grey” stuff is the way to go. Double check that it’s UV rated though, and doesn’t just happen to be grey.

    2. To get around all of that, you can bury it. Because you’re just doing it for the garden, you don’t need to dig down to the frost line. Just make sure you clear the line at the end of the season. Another advantage is that you’ll minimize the amount of water that’s been baking in the sun idle in the pipes. If it’s a heatwave and they’re in direct sun, that water can get downright hot to the touch. I’ve never lost a plant because of it but frankly I’m kind of surprised by that. If you do bury, you might consider running some electrical conduit at the same time, even if you don’t put wires in it (DO however include a pull cable for later use). What you do at either end of that is a whole other project, but you can always just cap it and get it to it when you get to it. Solar + Battery usual works great for garden automation stuff, but being able to run an ethernet cable can simplify a lot.

    3. Plastic will hold up fine, but as others have mentioned you might want one of these.. The union allows to remove it. You could do a more simple threaded system IF you are able to completely and freely rotate everything “down stream” of the valve. I’m just going to say the stupid part out loud because I learned pipe stuff the hard way: A ball valve threaded on both sides cannot be loosened from one side without tightening the other (again, unless that other side can freely rotate). Edit: alternatively unions are sold separately, and sometimes you can eek out some flow advantages that way but it’s in no way worth thinking about at garden water flow rates.

    4. Finally, a last alternative I’ve seen done well for gardens that sort of “wrong done right” is putting posts up and stringing a hose over head. It kind of seemed like as much work/expense as burying it, but I guess they had the posts, it came out really sharp in the end. You need a pretty high quality hose though. Baking in the sun and sagging under the water weight can end badly.

  • I agree with the “no” assessment, but also need to drop the bit of trivia that sharks are really sensitive to electricity. There was a guy making a shark detterent belt that you hit a button and it gave a small zap. Guy would cover himself in food, have the shark barreling right at him, hit the button and it does a 180.

    That being said, it probably was really low current but high voltage (like a static shock), I don’t know if sharks care about a low voltage battery stack.

    (bonus fun fact: that sensitivity is why hammerhead are the way they are. With those sensors further apart you get more spatial resolution, like a radar array. It’s also why they wag there head over the floor; they’re sweeping for electrical signals of their prey)

  • I mean… I don’t know if you’re an NFL fan or not but his stock isntly exactly high right now lol. He played like three snaps all season last season, is old for the game (for anyone not named “Tom Brady” anyway), and is wayyyy to much of a liability (and just to damn weird even if the crap he spouts WASNT dangerous) to do any kind of announcing or commenting.

    Hes crap in the locker room, having barley talked to Zach Wilson, the kid he left to play his whole season on a doomed team (I guess Zach does owe him a bit though, I really disliked the kid now I give him some respect for stepping aside then stepping up best he could). His career won’t be affected because random crap like this IS his career now. The jets have a contract, but there is no way Rodgers plays any meaningful football anymore.

  • Yes, sorry, I did oversimplify to the local network. On your local network everything is always listening, but absolutely your home router/modem in Kansas does NOT excite some wires in Tokyo unless you tell it to lol.

    And it sounds like you know way more about the software than I do, but I can say with confidence that when a router starts putting ossilating high/low on a cable, everything on that cable “sees” it. I’m fairly sure that’s why different address blocks have the limits they do; there’s only so many addresses you can have without needing to ossiclate that voltage stupid fast.

    You should look into some of the serial examples for raspberry pis/ arduinos, with your software background you’d probably really enjoy it! It’s funny to run into things like the fact that you can have issues like the wire not going back to low sometimes, and the myriad physical issues.

    And seriously check out MODBUS. It’s crazy how “simple” it is. With no handshake and a standardized data format, you can trigger all sorts of stuff. That’s the protocol that controls most people industrial things, including GIANT pumps and valves.

  • I wrote up a whole thing that didn’t post. There’s good answers here but I think that, like me, you wanted a more “voltage based” one.

    Short answer is they don’t. Everything on the network is always listening, and security is based solely off of a handshake. Everything is always employing a fancy multimeter that measures voltage high/low as a 1/0 turning it from bits to bytes etc. The router listens to that and decides where to send it upstream, which it isolates from downstream.

    For a realllllly basic example look at the modbus protocol. That’s also why industrial equipment folks get real touchy about network access. For things like computers, theres talk back and forth to verify. Modbus is just “if the byte is the thing I do the thing”. But fundamentally, that’s the physical basis: all devices are always listening, the TCP/IP stack is what tells them what to disregard.

  • Among football fans we also like pointing out how Kelce, a superstar player, just about as high as you can get… essentially makes lemonade stand money next to her. It was the same for Brady and Gisel to. I imagine there’s a certain stripe of person that drives a little nuts.

    Personally I love it. Those guys are absolute top of their field in something insanely demanding and stressful, and the money is essentially pointless. So the relationship must be pretty decent. It’s also just funny to picture THOSE guys going through the dance you have to if you’ve ever dated someone with a very different income/lifestyle. Like you can navigate it in a committed relationship, but the early stages can be a bit dicey. “ughh, I need a release, after the seasons over do you want to go to that place in the Mediterranean?” .

  • Well right, which is why they’re separate things entirely. And I am definitely taking some poetic license, but I outlined a pretty concrete example of how the way the scientific process is structured it’s a tool for what’s demonstrable, not inherently what’s correct. In what I outlined, it’s possible you could never gather that data. In every sense that matters most of the universe would no longer exist.

    You can do the same thing in reverse (we’ll never actually know what happened at the big bang, we weren’t there, still we can figure out a lot). It just drives the point home more when you realize there are things you can look at, observe, make hypothesis and test against here today, that will essentially leave the realm of science in the future.

    So again, this is definitely some navel gazing, and I’m just about as atheistic as they come, but the original spawn of this part of the thread was “how can any scientist be religious”. It’s because the scientific process isn’t actually concerned with being “correct”, now or in the future, just plausible and useful. I’ve worked in the lab with folks who viewed their work as understanding the universe someone created for them. That’s entirely compatible with the scientific method. You can take a minute to appreciate the insanity and beauty of everything we know about this universe and the fact that were even capable of comprehending some of it without it corrupting your scientific method. Some people choose to appreciate that insanity and beauty and assign divine intent. So long as the graph has a decent R^2, that’s just fine.

  • Science and religion (in the broad sense, not specific statements of a religion) are just two entirely separate things. Faith by it’s definition exists outside anything testable, so it’s just not part of science. Here’s the one hitch: science does in-fact point to faith. Bare with me here.

    We know with whatever certainty anyone would require that the universe is expanding, and that the rate of that expansion is accelerating. We know with certainty that >90% of all that we know is there, just by looking up, is already permanently and irrevocably beyond our grasp. It will all blink out of the night sky, and no interaction will ever be possible.

    Future scientists (human, alien, whatever) will look at certain phenomena, the cause of which we today would know to be a specific galaxy, etc, but we would have no way to gather a single shred of evidence. There would be no way, literally none, to ever interreact with those stellar structures.

    To these future scientists you would be citing ancient texts and proposing a 100% untestable hypothesis. You would be proposing literal gods outside of the machine. And you’d be right. But it would all have to be taken on faith.