Jokes on you I pirates mine!
Jokes on you I pirates mine!
I’m sure with how much shelling happens it’s pretty easy for them to know which direction it’s coming from.
FPS Russia is on the phone. He wants royalties
My bird feeder is for cat entertainment purposes anyway. Cats seem equally happy with birds or squirrels. Not a boomer but I guess I’d understand if I wanted to see birds.
Are you at my apartment lol. As long as your apartment is t downstairs I wouldn’t worry about it.
Keep it in the bedroom kids!
But the guillotines get rusty if you don’t take them for a spin every now and again.
I thought the Nitro EV was a pretty normal EV
A guy in a rugby jersey, with the build of a rugby player, grabbed me by the shoulders and shouted in my face “I don’t care if I die tonight!” And headbutted me right in the forehead After I told him I didn’t have a cigarette. Luckily I was with 6 friends, they took care of it.
I lived in china and it was the only way to access loads of media. When I got back I saw the hellscape that streaming had become. We recreated cable. That and not owning anything anymore. So I still sail the high seas. Even if I wanted to pay the high price of 30 different streaming services it’s a better more enjoyable experience sailing.
Yep, that was hard to watch. Then Ramaswamy just being like “Oh, I respect that you can say that” or some shit
Looks like we’re gonna have to sink the other half of their Navy this time.
Capitalism demands that some starve