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Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Humans and Neanderthals were neighbours for longer than previously thought. Also, we’re maybe back to humans making more tools.

    …the discovery of more of its remnants alongside human fossils points to Homo sapiens inhabiting central Germany at the same time.

    “It turns out that stone artefacts that were thought to be produced by Neanderthals were in fact part of the early Homo sapiens tool kit,” says Jean-Jacques Hublin, a professor in palaeoanthropology at Collège de France.

    “This fundamentally changes our previous knowledge about this time period: Homo sapiens reached northwestern Europe long before Neanderthal disappearance in southwestern Europe.”

    Is there more?

  • This article’s a week old. The relief has been announced in tax bracket adjustments that roll back the Stage 3 cuts that were essentially going to remove the third bracket (primarily benefiting those earning >$135,000)

    ABC story

    What are the new stage 3 tax cut brackets?

    Here’s how the proposed plan looks at a glance:

    Earn up to $18,200 – pay no tax

    Pay a 16 per cent tax rate on each dollar earned between $18,201-$45,000

    Pay a 30 per cent tax rate on each dollar earned between $45,001-$135,000

    Pay a 37 per cent tax rate on each dollar earned between $135,001 — $190,000

    Pay a 45 per cent tax rate on each dollar earned above $190,000

    What were they going to be?

    Here’s what the previous plan looked like at a glance:

    Earn up to $18,200 – pay no tax

    Pay a 19 per cent tax rate on each dollar earned between $18,201-$45,000

    Pay a 30 per cent tax rate on each dollar earned between $45,001-$200,000

    Pay a 45 per cent tax rate on each dollar earned above $200,000

  • Reads to me that, in most of the cases, she doesn’t see the final documents provided to 3rd parties. She can ask Trump org for what they provided and if they don’t hand it over, the court could presumably subpoena them.

    For most of the instances she references though, she pointed out issues, Trump org said they’d fix them, but her scope doesn’t include asking the banks if they finally got the corrected version or not.

    Given the scale of inaccuracies and errors though (such as not including $1.6M in management fees in a line item called “Management Fees…” and not including any depreciation for golf courses), it certainly smells like the court would at least want to dig deeper.

  • Biden’s whole pitch is “I’m boring and sensible”

    Trump’s campaign is going to be “Let me finish what I started…Trust what you saw last time.” - so he can leverage both voters who want change and those who want the same old.

    If there’s a new Dem candidate, all of a sudden they’re trying to convince people to expect stability from trying something new.

    Compared to that, Trump looks a lot more reliable. And that’s before you even get into the personal attacks (which Biden thinks he’s already covered).

  • I hate teams that say Agile says “no doco”.

    The principle is “Working software over comprehensive documentation… That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.”

    Agile absolutely needs documentation but it shouldn’t hold up delivering working solutions and shouldn’t be more complicated than necessary.

    We don’t want the old-school projects where software was ready but not delivered until a bible of doco was typeset, printed and bound.

  • Leaving the moral arguments aside, there were also massive campaign failures on the Yes side. No had two clear cheerleaders with an absurdly simple catchphrase: “If you don’t know, vote No”. Meanwhile Yes didn’t have a star for the campaign and had made the amendment way too simple/general so there weren’t any included details of the practicalities. So they ended up with 100 people having to re-explain their plans every campaign stop and occasionally tripping over each other’s messages. As a result, the complicated sell from Yes played right into No‘s hands.