Dharma Curious (he/him)

Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

  • 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024

  • Just like women vote the same as their husbands? We’ll practically double the line length at the polls if we give women the vote, and their votes won’t really matter, because it’s the same as if their husbands or fathers just voted normally. Not worth the effort.

    Not being an ass, it’s just that every single argument I’ve ever seen against lowering the voting age has been almost identical to the arguments used against women voters back in the day. I’m not suggesting you’re against women having the vote, just that the arguments are similar, and pointing that out helps to demonstrate why they might not as strong as some would think. Teenagers are also notoriously capable of disagreeing with their parents on political issues. It’s sort of a thing with them often enough.

    Totally agree about access to voting. Automatic registration at 16, coting day a national holiday, polls should be open for at least a month, with every post office a polling place, and government run bussing to and from polling places, and mandatory paid time off for wt least 1 day in that month. Universal suffrage. Including incarcerated people. Honestly, nothing should be able to interfere with your right to vote. I go back and forth on compulsory voting, but tend to lean towards it. And this is coming from an Anarcho communist, who doesn’t generally believe we’re ever going to fix things through the ballot box.

  • I use a half gallon insulated metal water bottle/jug and it’s incredible. I love it so much, and I couldn’t go back to even a normal sized one. I drink easily a half gallon a day now. I’m about to upgrade to a 1 gallon, because the lid on my half gallon is difficult to open, and the 1 gallon has a much better lid. I know it seems ridiculous, but it made a carry bag for it with a strap to wear almost like a messenger bag. I can carry all my shit and get hydrated at the same time. So fantastic.

    Also, buzio is the brand on Amazon (I know. God, I know, but we don’t have a lot of options where I live. If anyone knows a better one, I’d love to hear it). They’re great. Everyone in my family has one in different sizes

  • Similar boat (sans furry), and I’ve recently decided I’m tired of being lonely. I’ve started going to a trivia night at a local bar that someone from my church hosts, even though I end up playing alone each week*, and I found a MCC church (basically, gay church) and went there, where I found a gay men’s discussion group I’m going to attend on Monday. I have two friends, both straight, but I’m hoping to get them and some people other people either through them or through trivia/discussion group to help start a bowling team.

    *Even though I’m the only one playing without a team, I’ve come in second twice!

  • I’m lucky, I have a decent social circle, and I see them just about as often as I want. I’m just so much of an introvert that I don’t often try to see anyone. I’ll finish the bachelor’s, and if I can do it, I’m going for an MFA after. My grades are amazing, so I’m pretty confident. The part that scares me is being without her, not the finances. I’ll live in a car if I need to, I’ve done it before. Work night shift security and park somewhere semi safe and I’ll be fine. But the idea of not having her is absolutely terrifying. My whole life she’s been my best friend, and it’s really scary to see her not able to get out of the bed now. I know people say their parents are their friends, but I mean it. We talk about everything, play games. Anything happens, she’s my first thought. Major Mama’s boy. Haha

    I’m really sorry you’ve lost both your parents, and that it’s been a rough transition. If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of work do you do? If you’re in the US, security pays kinda shitty, but generally above minimum wage by quite a bit, and most sites are so easy you can do whatever you want at work, video games, movies, or even college classes if you’re so inclined. I wish I’d signed up for SNHU when I was still doing security, I’d have that MFA by now, but my dumbass never thought I was able to handle college until I bit the bullet during the pandemic.