“Lefty Loosey righty tighty”
One arrow points up to the left, one points down to the left.
“Lefty Loosey righty tighty”
One arrow points up to the left, one points down to the left.
Are you kidding? One of the big attractions of Trump is to prove the shittiest white man can beat a qualified black woman.
I guess I don’t know. Whenever something tempts me to R, I quickly find that Python’s got a good-enough solution.
Best scientific packages in the open source by far, a library for everything, everybody knows it. Works on all kinds of systems. Available by default in many OSs.
You might not like it, but you can’t leave.
Legend is the first suicide hotline was created after a girl killed herself because she had her first period.
People kill themselves for lots of reasons, but some of those reasons are just ignorance. I feel certain any suicide hotline could have helped her out if she’d called one.
I can buy that. I live in the North West and this description doesn’t fit MAGA here.
He’s white, Christian, and male. That’s a about where the similarity ends.
He’s a professional making good money, drives a nice car has a nice family, never watched NASCAR or wrestling, doesn’t care about sports, went to college, comes from a line of immigrants who “made it” in America by the sweat of their own brow which is a source of pride, without even a tangential connection to slavery, and weirdest, hated Trump. He thought Trump was disgusting in 2015. Now won’t hear a bad word about him.
Exactly. If anything, the anti-trump media “bubbles” are going easy on the guy.
I hear what they say I still don’t understand them.
There’s some truth to this, but if you take the effort to break out of your media bubble, to find original sources, to read documentary evidence, indictments, transcripts.
To go the other direction and track down evidence for Trump’s accusations against others,
the guy comes off even worse.
They don’t think you have disposable income. They don’t care about you if you don’t.
most pirates are kids without any money.
Lutris can also launch GOG games in proton
I saw the stuff for the first time recently and it’s underrated. No nostalgia required
They’ll be making stuff for rich people.
Same reason my darling’s tik tok feed suddenly featured humanizing Trump videos the moment he reversed direction on the Tik Tok ban, even though she hates both Trump and politics and would never willingly look at a video of either.
The functional difference is that the Supremos set themselves as the arbiters, so while Trump will get immunity for anything, Biden will get immunity for nothing.
The first rule of the road is “right-of-way won’t help you when you’re dead”.