I am.
A human
I am.
2nd and 13th are all they care about.
You have a very interesting way of ascribing motive here. You say I lack imagination, I say you have an excess of imagination.
So you’re gonna skip over the part where I was right and you were plainly wrong?
If I were to suggest an actually productive solution with a $10k budget, my comment would be removed and I’d be on a list. We both know what that means.
Please show me where OP asked for ways to “immediately reduce their carbon footprint.”
That is not what was requested in the post title. “Carbon Footprint” is a piece of propaganda perpetuated by the biggest industry offenders to shift blame to the individual and distract from their own massively disproportionate contribution to climate change.
Yeah that should offset the massive pollution from global industry right? I feel that the shift of responsibility to the individual is a distraction.
Gonna quit weed. Cold turkey. If I don’t have control over my consumption now, I think that’s a sign I need to stop until I do have that ability again, if ever.
- Hasan streams
It’s the same argument:
- Everyone has a brat summer
Actually laughed out loud at this, well done. You’re an excellent writer. This encapsulates the 24 election so perfectly 😭
Your comment was great, until the last part. That’s terrible advice. DO mess with things you don’t understand, until you understand them!
I’m basically forced to, daily, thanks for your suggestion tho
His uncle is the owner and founder of TYT Media, and he got his start in media at… TYT. He comes from an immensely wealthy and politically connected family. He has chosen to live in Hollywood, an epicenter of capitalism at its worst.
And thanks for your edit, I think I agree that my perception of him is charged by emotion, but in addition to fact.
Thank you for a nuanced reply. When you put it this way, I can see why many listeners find value in his content. I worked another shift today with him constantly droning in the background and I think my opinion is largely being colored by his presentation style, and my own distaste for “streamers” and “react culture” in general, with his aforementioned privilege issues now coming in third.
His comments about people working “real” jobs having an easier time of it than he does certainly rubbed me the wrong way, though, and his response when called out on it was more of the exact same “BROOO WHAT ARE YOU STUPID? THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT! OK!?” that his streams are full of.
“One of” the only ones, not “the” only one. The difference is exactly what I stated, the respondant clearly understood my question. Would you like me to edit each of my other replies, to acknowledge the ones who also understood my question, for consistency’s sake? I should probably then reply to each of the ones who didn’t understand my question, to make sure and point it out, right? Otherwise I’m being very dismissive?
I’ve been learning from this discussion, so I’m not sure why you think I’m incapable of seeing my biases.
Here’s a question: Is it cool to hoard wealth if you’re saying leftist-sounding stuff while you do it?
That’s a new one, I’ve never been accused of being a bot for having an unpopular viewpoint before! You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?
Thanks for your contribution to the discussion, very insightful.
Thanks for your response. Yes, it must be a personality thing, combined with a generational difference. Can you see how it comes across as disingenuous as a member of the working class to be spoken down to by a millionaire streamer? Similarly to how some LGBT allyship advocacy from cishet people comes across as blissfully unaware of the actual struggles of LGBT people.
Thank you for an intelligent response! I will read up on the links you shared.
Thank you for being one of the only commenters to understand my question.
No, lmfao. But it’s clear from the overall response that the assumption is that I must be some kind of rightwing troll, just because I’m sick of the guy. Leftist =/= Hasan fan.
Womp womp. I’m sure openAI asked for permission from the creators for all its training data, right? Thief complains about someone else stealing their stolen goods, more at 11.