Monsters from the Id! Fish from the Wardrobe! Or something.
(TTRPG/Coding/Linux/Politics/Snark/Woo/ASD, in no particular order.)
Boosts are almost certainly an endorsement of *something*. Possibly not _literally_ the post in question, though.
@ConfusedLlama @jherazob @kool_newt At this point I’m starting to wonder if an iPhone might be the lesser of two evils… sheesh
@nieceandtows ::gestures at mankind’s enormously long and complex history of systemic racism::
People are going to read your post and assume that you are apologising for the police *because* they are the police. You know, one of those “they must have done something wrong or the police wouldn’t have arrested them” people.
I’m sure you’re not one of those. Just saying how it looks.