I went through this too, except I got pissed off and found a fips compliant image running the last version prior to their disk format changes. Gosh that royally pissed me off.
I went through this too, except I got pissed off and found a fips compliant image running the last version prior to their disk format changes. Gosh that royally pissed me off.
no calls for restic? I use restic and a s3 layer on the other end, be it either backblaze/wasabi/s3/whatever for remote or minio/garage for local object storage. Stuff just works, then I write a systemd unit file to back it up according to whatever schedule I want for both a local target and a remote target. Helps to solve the 3-2-1 backup strategy this way. Good luck!
Add in another for trickle down, and the various forms the owner class use to divide us
Wait until you read about how shitty our tax law is for people spending most of their money on HC costs. sigh
Is this your tide pod moment?
so, deb boot strap, or debbootstrap is involved in many of these tasks you’re talking about, or the docs cover the specific mount commands needed to be used in conjuection with debbootstrap, I found docs for it here: https://wiki.debian.org/Debootstrap
Hope this helps