• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • That’s a decent start, but you need a browser that’s resistant to fingerprinting through some plugins and something like ublock origin that will block all embedded content. At some point, it may require you to use a phone number, and at that point you may have a problem. If you avoid that, one of the biggest threats are the facebook and related meta content placed on other pages around the internet. The pixel is one aspect, but almost any facebook content can still track you across sites. These are easily blocked with a decent adblocker and probably privacybadger too.

    I know lots of folks will disagree, but I’d care less about Facebook tracking you as they mostly only care about serving you ads and making content suggestions to keep you on the platform to view more ads. Facebook has never served me a relevant ad, and even with a lot of use still can’t recommend things I’m interested in. Data leaks and sharing is a concern, but that’s a concern with every site. I think when it comes to privacy, there’s far bigger concerns.

  • What standard means of seeking information did you lose? You can still visit a library or ask a friend?

    I don’t think people remember what using search was like before google. All of the problems you mentioned weren’t even possible 25 years ago.

    On other search engines you had to know specialized query languages.

    This is all possible because google collects this data from users. They’ve been doing it forever, and it does have some value.

  • I mean yes, but this has been true for nearly 20 years at this point. Some of this comes back as useful features for everyone. Spam filtering, grammar checking, predictive text, maps route planning, face detection for all sorts of things. The same is true for many modern cars too, security cameras, etc. It all has to be trained on something and to collect more edge cases to improve.

    If you care, you avoid their services.

  • I thought this was might just grieving parents blaming something coincidental, until reading this article. I didn’t know that there are other cases of the spiciness of these new peppers seem to be causing problems for some people. Still no clear evidence, but it’s possible there’s something.

    “These ultraspicy peppers may either contain a unique vasoactive substance, or there is a dose-related effect of capsaicin concentration that can trigger RCVS,” the doctors concluded. "Further research in this area is needed to determine the exact pathophysiology of this phenomenon. This case provides further evidence that ingestion of hot peppers may lead to serious consequences and that further research is needed to assess their safety."

    Emphasis mine.

  • German and English are the two I can fumble my way around. Having lived and traveled some, I could fumble some basics in a few others like Dutch. I know a bit of a few others. I can read enough to figure out what’s going on in some contexts, and maybe speak enough to get around, but definitely can’t carry on a conversation in them.

    It’s tough. There’s only so many hours in the day, and while I do get to watch some videos on occasion, I sometimes have too many things going on. I used to watch movies I knew well in other languages, so I already knew the context and could piece together words and phrases. I don’t have time for that anymore though.

  • I like the idea of visiting other places and exploring, but I think I’d want to spend longer in each place. For the times I’ve travelled, I enjoyed the extended stays most where I really got to get past the surface and travel to the non-touristy places.

    I honestly don’t know what I’d do with the infinite money. Definitely not having problems would be nice. First thing I’d do is probably make sure all my friends were set and comfortable for life and retirement. Then go from there.

  • Here’s the important part of the article:

    Biden was following a common practice among senior government officials hoping to thwart hackers, as well as prevent spammers from guessing their address and clogging their inbox, according to a White House official.

    Now House Republicans, who have spent months trying and failing to show that Joe Biden was involved in his son Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings, want the National Archives to hand over more than 5,000 messages from Biden’s vice presidency that relate to those email addresses, thinking those messages might reveal something new.