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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2023


  • where anyone thinks it’s ok or normal to recommend suicide to people

    Except that’s already happening even without it being normalized, there have always been assholes that are gonna tell people to kill themselves, especially if they’ve never seen the person they’re talking to before. I don’t see how this is any different.

    Literally the whole thing would not have happened without the policy.

    It also wouldn’t have happened if a fucked up system wasn’t withholding actual, reasonable alternatives that the person was clearly asking for. That’s my point. Let’s fix the actual problems, rather than try to silence the symptoms.

  • …and did you notice how everyone was outraged by that? That incident was not an issue with assisted suicide being available, that was an issue with fucked up systems withholding existing alternatives and a tone-deaf case worker (who is not a doctor) handling impersonal communications. Maybe it’s also an issue with this kind of thing being able to be decided by a government worker instead of medical and psychological professionals. But definitely nothing about this would have been made better by assisted suicide not being generally available for people who legitimately want it, except the actual problem wouldn’t have been put into the spotlight like this.

  • I don’t want to create a future where, “I’ve tried everything I can to fix myself and I still feel like shit,” is met with a polite and friendly, “Oh, well have you considered killing yourself?”

    Are you for real? This kind of thing is a last resort that nobody is going to just outright suggest unprompted to a suffering person, unless that person asks for it themselves. No matter how “normalized” suicide might become, it’s never gonna be something doctors will want to recommend. That’s just… Why would you even think that’s what’s gonna happen

  • That’s only for cabin luggage. In checked luggage, Lithium Ion batteries are completely banned. If a battery bursts into flames in the cabin, it can be handled with hopefully minimal damage. You do not want that to happen in the belly of the plane packed in closely between everyone else’s luggage with no way of getting it contained until the planes lands.

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    • Light temperature adjusting to current time of day is very nice and does loads for my mood
    • Lights automatically turning on and off based on presence and measured light levels is totally unnecessary but just so convenient
    • Getting a reminder to take the wash out when the machine is done
    • Smart plug automatically turns off power to other devices when the TV is turned off