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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Dimmers will typically use a triac which cuts up the sinusoidal waveform. It doesnt actually lower the amplitude per se, but it limits the fraction of the time the waveform is on. Kinda like this. This means that a lot of the time the led isnt gettingas much or any power. The average power will be lower, and if the LED driving circuitry isnt designed to compensate for this, the LED will flicker.

    Clarification on triacs: they get turned on a certain fraction of the way into the cycle. Triacs will stay on until the voltage across them is 0. Conveniently the zero-crossing of the AC wave (when the wall voltage crosses zero to start foing negative or from negative to positive) does just that.

  • Imagine the kinds of things that even top athletes wouldn’t care to bring to the attention of doctors or dont get treated because of the cost hurdle. Imagine extending that to the entirety of the American population. Most of medical costs in america are because of the privatization of health care, administration overhead and artificially inflated costs.

    Its insane to me that people who are incompetent, especially at their own jobs, can get paid orders of magnitude higher than skilled workers. I did jury duty recently and in the case, the VP of a nursing facility was getting paid in excess of 200k and had the gall to claim they did everything by the book in a negligence case (they did not) and constantly failed to answer the attorney’s questions properly (she’d always answer a different question than what was asked, refuse to answer yes/no, contradict clear facts about what was on the page in front of her). Not sure who she thought she was fooling. Attorney literally had to ask her if they were looking at the same paper because she was in a different world. Its people like that that keep our healthcare system so expensive that people cant afford to survive.

    I have no doubt that people will fight tooth and nail to keep their trashy privatized health care - let them. Its just stupid to me that they refuse to allow lower cost health care of the same quality by the government. My brother in christ you could use it too if you stopped fighting for it to not get passed

  • Coal plant burns coal to heat water, makes steam, and the steam powers a turbine to produce electricity. A nuclear power plant uses nuclear fuel to heat water and produce steam similar to a coal plant. It may do this indirectly (e.g. second loop between the nuclear fuel and water loop to prevent the water becoming radioactive). This means that to build a nuclear plant you essentially need to build a coal plant, and then also the nuclear reactor and safety stuff, which makes them more expensive. Since coal plants are being turned off anyways, it might be more cost effective to just retrofit old coal plants so the only cost is the nuclear reactor side of things (plus any necessary maintenance and upgrades)

  • Also if you want a domain but dont care about the actual address, a .xyz domain composed entirely of numbers with less than 10 digits is $1-2 + same as renewal fee per year. $1.22 for me on porkbun

    Just be sure to redact the whois information bc you will get a call from scammers trying to get you to register your domain on some “internet map” for a small fee acting as if its some step in your setup process you havent done yet

  • Just searched my old user names and found absolutely nothing except for one post from 2012 on Minecraft forums

    It’s one part a lack of SEO/searchability and nine parts sites that are dead and gone taking that information with them.

    I haven’t been the best about backups, passwords, etc but I’ll probably set up a dead mans switch at some point to release my passwords to my family and delete my drives if/when I can’t do it myself. I’ve already got bro on call to drive to my house and shred the drives •=•

  • Not really but kinda. Depends on how you sort the feed. There’s new comments / active / most comments (and maybe scaled?) which factor in number of comments but if you don’t sort by that then number of comments doesn’t affect it in the feed. Also, someone who comments a lot of nonsense is probably going to get blocked, down voted, reported / banned or their posts removed.

    There’s also top hour/the/12hr/day/week/month/year, controversial, new, etc. which won’t factor comments in.

  • You made a stupid post asking “why don’t we do this: if people do X then we should do Y.” People don’t support Y and you then say they must then support people who do X? You are putting words in people’s mouths an they don’t like that. You are also advocating for harm against people who may be innocent or are also human.

    Ever heard of Emmett Till? He a black boy who was accused of whistling at a white woman in 1955 and was lynched, tortured and killed for it. He didn’t do it, and the woman much later admitted she lied about it. Yet nothing has happened to her and his murderers were acquitted