• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • it’s mostly political

    Oh I gotcha. Interesting. I don’t follow FSF or GNU or anything, do you know if they tend to be antagonistic toward nonfree devs who still try to be as free as possible? Honestly, I read the Stallman quote about FreeBSD in this thread, and a statement from GNU that acknowledges the impracticality of their philosophy, and I kinda agree with their ethical takes. Except, I also think people should be able to install nonfree software, because otherwise you have a pretty bad dilemma with the word “free.”

    Ultimately, if they are actively antagonistic toward those who don’t share that philosophy, I think that’s not great. Sure, free software according to the GNU project may be the only ethical one, but we live in a culture that promotes the exact opposite idea, so why would I be surprised and upset when an otherwise ethically acting person doesn’t conform to my own ethical framework, and they go on and create nofree software. I’m still going to get a beer with that person because at the end of the day we probably have common values and how else am I going to sell them the idea free software

  • jwiggler@sh.itjust.workstoOpen Source@lemmy.mlWhy is GrapheneOS against GNU?
    1 month ago

    I’m afraid to ask this because I’m not a dev, but I have a fair amount of linux experience. Why is it that the ability to install Google Play Services on GrapheneOS makes it not FOSS/open source, while the ability to install Google Chrome (or any proprietary software, I guess) on Linux doesn’t make is non-FOSS/open source?

    I’m not articulating that question very well, and I’m assuming I’m missing some key component, but they seem comparable to me, as a regular user. Is it something like the level of access that GPServices has to the kernel?

  • Actually, you’re not being clear, at all. The article you linked, yourself, notes that the 37 murdered political candidates were local government candidates murdered between September and May, not national candidates. Far cry from your insinuation that 37 of Claudia Sheinbaum’s political opponents were murdered so she could win by the hands of the cartels.

  • I think you’re right in that the majority of people want better salaries and healthcare, enshrined abortion rights, etc, athough I don’t think I’m understanding your last sentence.

    But I don’t think the “groundswell” of voters is left of democrats in the way you’re saying, and my comments weren’t really my “stance,” they’re just what is happening in politics right now. I mean, it is true that if not enough leftists come out to vote for Biden, it could be trouble for him, but what we’re seeing right now from polls is that it’s the independents and the on-the-fence voters that Biden needs to capture, and we’re seeing him actively trying to thread the needle on topics such as Israel/Palestine.

    It’s funny, there was an episode on NPR politics podcast that came out today that pretty much outlined exactly what I’m talking about: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1Lohgbw0EgGSRtIcc3edcM?si=P-w1lelBRBmTNzMShZ4KwA

  • I’m not even sure what that is supposed to mean. All I said was Democrats strategy is to appease swing voters, which it is. Look, Biden is having trouble messaging on the genocide in Palestine right now because he’s in an election year trying to be as popular to swing voters and conservatives as possible right now. If it weren’t an election year, I bet we’d be seeing stronger pushback from the US toward Israels atrocities.

    Also look at the killed border deal. That was a pretty conservative bill that was about to be passed until Trump nuked it. Democrats are able to use that debacle against the Republicans saying “We want to govern and fix problems, you want to use those problems for political gain,” but in the end, it was still a pretty conservative bill they were about to pass. Democrats messaging for the next 9 months is going to all be centered around the word “reasonable.”

  • Yeah, I’m not sure why a Democratic politician would waste their time trying to appease leftists or try to play hard-ball. They already have registered Democrats in the bag – they need to appeal to Independents and traditionally conservative voters, because those are the ones that are going to be deciding elections, or at least the upcoming presidential election.

    It’s advantageous to show as much aggressively moderate, bipartisan, and hawkish behavior right now, because that is exactly what reminds those voters of the old republican party, pre Trump. Hell, that’s what Biden is all about. And it’s gonna piss off leftists, especially on this site (and rightfully so), but what are we gonna do? Vote for Trump?

    It’s unfortunate, but the Democratic party has had to shift to the right in order to accommodate the extremism of Trump and his followers. Here’s hoping we’ll see a shift to the left if Republicans can somehow take hold of their own party, but we’ll see.

  • Dude. I found a working baratza preciso at savers for $11 a couple days after I realized the same thing and decided I’d start hunting for an espresso grinder.

    It was the perfect confluence of timing, interest in making different style coffees, and unwillingness to spend a fortune.

    Undoubtedly my best thrift store find.

    Now I can get pretty much like 75% of the way to real espresso (won’t get crema, but whatever) with my free secondhand aeropress and my $11 grinder. It’s amazing. Another $15 for a milk frother and I’m making yummy cappuccino style drinks easy peasy

  • Obviously this article is meant to cast the Pope in a bad light, but honestly I’m not going to fault the dude for invoking historical figures who proved to be beneficial to his own order.

    I mean, how many times do people invoke the image of Teddy Roosevelt in the US? Dude was hot for war, all the time. Or Abe Lincoln, who, prior to freeing the slaves, would claim that whites were still superior to blacks (depending on his political audience), and would advocate for the relocation of blacks to another country, similar to the US government’s efforts made against Native Americans.

    Invoking historical figures is so often a bad move, but how can you fault a person for not knowing these things? Roosevelt and Lincoln are gods in the US. Andrew Jackson was the king of the free man, a paragon of libertarianism, rose straight up from the ground to the presidency. But I’m sure the Native Americans felt otherwise.

    As for the Pope thinking the attack was provoked by NATO and not wanting to condemn Russia, well that’s kinda horseshit. Because Russia deserves condemnation for preemptive war in the same way that NATO deserves blame for outfitting more bases along the Russian border, and the US deserves blame for their interference in Ukrainian politics in 2014.

  • Hell yeah. I just read Guards, Guards! by Pratchett and I’m working through LotR again. Dune is amazing, but I haven’t continued past the original so maybe I’ll read those next.

    If you’re into history, I’ve been listening to The People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn, it focuses on each major historical event from the perspective of the regular individual person rather than focusing on the people who happened to be in power during them, and it’s pretty good so far. I also read Understanding Power by Noam Chomsky, and that was life changing. Those are two pretty political ones, though.

    In terms of fiction Id recommend Cormac McCarthy – either The Road or Blood Meridian – The Road is a post apocalyptic story about a father traversing through the ashen environment with his son, while Blood Meridian is a brutal Western set in the 1800s. With both of these, it’s not as much about plot as it is about the poetry of the writing.

    I haven’t read a scifi book in a minute, but I haven’t seen a lot of people recommend A Canticle for Leibowitz. It’s three separate-but-connected short post-apocalyptic stories that follow the gradual resurgence of humans after a nuclear event. It’s really subtle in that it doesn’t slam you with like a whole universe and systems like Dune, but it’s expertly written and hits some pretty thought provoking topics. Def underrated.