3D sculptor for all things Blood Bowl and more.




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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Oh, it’s 100 percent demoralising! But thats, unfortunately, what it boils down to, isn’t it? Having to choose the lesser of two evils instead of being allowed to vote with your heart (even if that means not voting at all). It’s entirely unfair. Young people aren’t responsible for this mess, and now so much depends on them. They deserve so much better, but are stuck with a party that is united behind a lunatic with the vocabulary of a 5 year old, or a party that is excellent at putting forth candidates that make that lunatic look just reasonable enough. If this was any other country I’d merely sympathise and sleep peacefully knowing that Trump is old and unhealthy, and that his time will come. But it’s the US that we’re talking about, and so much depends on the election. You not only have the US looking at young voters, but the entire world. It’s a horrible situation.

  • Genuine question with no intention to talk down on someone: how are there adults that don’t know how to cook at least the basics? My mother told me a story about how she went on a trip at school and a teacher that apparently had never cooked before wanted to make spaghetti by putting them in the cold water and then boiling them. Ended up with a huge fused chunk of pasta. How can you not know how to at least make pasta as an adult? Parents and then partner that always cook for you?

  • Yes. Cold showers (and that means as cold as you can make em) stimulate your immune system and activate your brown fat cells who in this artificial environment in which we’re never cold lie dormant. Brown fat activates just before you start shivering, it heats up the body by burning calories and helped our ancestors survive situations where they could just turn up the heat. There’s a cool book on this: “What doesn’t kill us” by Scott Carney. It’s about Scott, a journalist, being sceptical of the achievements of Wim Hof (the dude that takes hour long ice baths) and visiting him to prove that he’s a false prophet.

    I once spent almost a year only taking cold showers. It sucks big time for ten seconds and then your body adjusts and you’re actually quite comfortable (seriously, try it. Pretty amazing feeling). Wish I hadn’t stopped, but come winter hot showers just became too enticing :D