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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I’m French and we mostly mearn British English in school. But then again, we’re very close to GB and Japan is very Americanized (occupation and all that). I think a country that’s halfway between them and has no privileged relationship with either should step into this conversation. Like Russia, Mongolia or Kazakhstan. However, as you might have noticed from the previous sentence, I refuse to use the Oxford comma because we don’t use it on French and it doesn’t make sense.

  • I don’t find that this adage applies that well in politics. Yeah, I’ll assume whoever almost hit me with his car the other day was stupid/irresponsible/distracted rather than that they were attempting to murder me. Or that someone who gave me wrong directions to somewhere was mistaken rather than deceitful. That is because stupidity can explain these things, but stupidity on its own doesn’t explain becoming president.

    Beside, if you assume he was being used by dickcheneys, you’re still assuming malice, just not from the same person.

    As for which case his behavior would make most sense in, I won’t try to contradict you since I’m not good at analysing people and don’t enjoy trying.

    I just tend to think of Trump+close collaborators as a system and assume the purpose of a system is what it does, and I don’t make too many assumptions of Trump’s exact place in this.

  • With people in power it’s always hard to say whether a bad thing they do is due to stupidity or ill-intent, tho I tend to favor the second hypothesis.

    All of their actions did benefit a group. For Trump, most obviously, himself; but he also advanced the power of the American far-right and probably some companies thanks to lose regulations. For Bush, he clearly aimed to give more power to companies over things formerly done by the state, like hurricane relief or even the military. His vice president Dick Cheney famously profited from the Iraq war through the company Halliburton.

    Many of Bush’s policies had a disastrous human cost, but they were very efficient at filling the pockets of a few shareholders. So was he an incompetent buffoon playing into the hands of the capitalists, or was he himself an evil schemer who willingly enriched those he deemed worthy allies at the expense of the rest of the world?

    Same question applies to Trump. A narrative people like is that of the out of control puppet. An idiot that the Republican Party tried to use because he was attractive to their target demographic, but who ended up turning against his puppeteers and giving full reign to his folly.

    But it’s also possible that he is a smart and evil man who’s particularly talented at playing the role of a madman and who saw it was working.

    So basically, I have no definite knowledge of the intelligence of either man.