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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Temperature records from thermometers and weather stations exist only for a tiny portion of our planet’s 4.54-billion-year-long life. By studying indirect clues—the chemical and structural signatures of rocks, fossils, and crystals, ocean sediments, fossilized reefs, tree rings, and ice cores—however, scientists can infer past temperatures.

    From your source

    June 2024 was the hottest June on record, the European Union’s climate change monitoring service said on July 8, continuing a streak of exceptional temperatures that some scientists said puts 2024 on track to be the world’s hottest recorded year.

    From the article

    We don’t exactly have records from millions or billions of years ago, so I don’t know why you think this article is lying to you.

  • But he said any further comments could be damaging for NATO.

    “One of the reasons why NATO is successful is that we have always stayed out of domestic political issues,” he said.

    “If I start to say anything that makes it possible to connect me to ongoing political debates in any allied country, I will actually weaken the alliance.”

    He wouldn’t, and he knows it. He was asked about Biden’s health and did his job by not really answering.

  • NY has been riddled with crimes committed by illegal immigrants in the recent days, weeks, and months.

    One last thing, now that I’m back at my computer:

    • Continued declines across most major crime categories prevailed during January 2024, compared to the first month of last year, and included substantial drops in murder, rape, burglary, and felony assault.

    • Incidents of shootings, murder, and other bellwether crimes in New York City were markedly reduced again in February compared to the same month last year, while major offenses committed in the city’s subway system dropped more than 15 percent. Throughout the five boroughs, overall crime continued its downward trajectory, dipping another 1.1%.

    • New York City saw continued reductions in overall crime through the first quarter of 2024, both above ground, on streets throughout the five boroughs, and below ground, within the nation’s largest subway system. The single month of March 2024, compared to the same month last year, experienced even more drastic crime declines.

    • Overall index crime across New York City dropped another 4.9 percent in the month of April compared to the same month last year, as major crimes in the nation’s largest subway system plummeted another 23 percent, continuing a downward trend that saw previous transit system decreases

    • Overall index crime across New York City dropped another 2.4 percent in May 2024, compared to the same month last year, with the major crime categories of murder, burglary, grand larceny, and grand larceny—auto each seeing dramatic reductions. ‎‎

    The point I was making with NY, is as of recent, like I mentioned before there’s crimes committed by illegals.

    So what? There are statistically a lot more crimes being committed by US citizens. Should we start deporting/exiling our own citizens? Should we keep increasing our prison population? Or should we not hold our own citizens to the same kind of standards that you want to apply to everyone else in the world?

  • 3 examples isn’t a great way to show nationwide trends.

    Over 2000 convicted criminals - illegals captured by ICE

    This is from 2015.

    In New York, a sanctuary city that has received the most immigrants from Republican-run border states, crime decreased in most major categories in 2023 compared to the year before, as confirmed by a January report from the New York City Police Department. This follows reductions in most crime categories in the city in 2022. New York City remains one of the safest big cities in the country despite sensational claims that it is being overwhelmed by crime.

    From the same article linked above, since you seem so obsessed with New York City.

  • Even the first season had Amon, the guy that wanted equality between benders and non-benders. At one point we’re even shown that power was cut to a predominantly non-bender neighborhood, and when people went outside to protest to get their power turned back on, they were all rounded up and arrested. Afterwards, when Korra goes and tries to get the people that were arrested set free, she’s told

    All equalist suspects are being detained indefinitely. They’ll be freed if and when the task force deems them no longer a threat.

    Just in case it wasn’t clear enough by that point that non-benders were treated as second class citizens.

  • ltxrtquq@lemmy.mltoWorld News@lemmy.worldBiden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza
    7 months ago

    The numbers for 2023 are no higher than normal either

    The numbers for 2023 in the 2-3 months you have data for. Look at the rest of the graph, how it starts off lower in January and is higher for the rest of the year. Go back up and look at this graph

    and see how covid comes in waves each year, not evenly distributed throughout. Then go back and look at this graph

    and see that based on the data we have in the US, deaths per year has stayed above the previous yearly patterns. We don’t have all the data over a long period of time because covid hasn’t been around for all that long. But from what we can see so far, it kills people. The exact number per year remains to be seen, but from the data we have it’s been in the thousands, just in Norway.

    Edit: I guess next time I see a fucking “mOVInG tHe GOOalPoSt!!!” I will take the clue and not fucking bother.

    Half of the sources you posted actively worked against your own arguments. Maybe you shouldn’t bother.

    EDIT of my own: After looking at one of your sources (Eurostat)

    you can see that January-March was lower than 2016-2019, but it’s been on the rise again across the EU, and especially in Norway. Again, you can’t just look at one single month and decide that it’s representative of everything, everywhere, across all time going forward.