Buy a KVM that you can wire to the power button if you can. Pikvm, nanokvm, Jetkvm, etc. Will save you when the device needs a reboot or a bios tweak.
test sad
Buy a KVM that you can wire to the power button if you can. Pikvm, nanokvm, Jetkvm, etc. Will save you when the device needs a reboot or a bios tweak.
On iOS? Mlem rocks!
What do you want to know. Two smart outlets can tell you when the cycles are and stop.
I think it’s fun to try and take this to an extreme.
Try to remove all ads from a soccer match and you’d end up with opaque blobs kicking around a ball because even the jerseys have ads.
OPS, RED are the standards.
Libble is also decent.
Unless what doesn’t boot, the KVM? Isn’t the point that this should work even if the host is not working?
As long as the host posts it should work. If it’s a hardware issue then it won’t help though.
OPS or RED are the standards.
That’s putting a lot of blame on devopers.
Not all games have a ton of contributors on ProtonDB and that’s not the developers fault.
I am always shocked at how many people make Minecraft behavior packs on their phones.
Don’t boycott the content, just pirate it and support the authors directly.
Dont look at C++ with std:: function
Containerization helps, but best to patch asap.
NanoKVM is going for around $50
Terry would be so proud. And racist and scared. But also proud.
On which website, so I can avoid it?
My wife uses Chunky on her iPad and it works pretty well.
Easy enough to add a network folder as a file source.
Definitely. Half my pipelines these days are posh scripts.
I know piracy is a spectrum, but selling hacks/cheats/pirated copies is sleezy IMO.
Same. Been rock solid.
I’m too scared to swap away from SWAG. The combination of nginx proxy manager and LetsEncrypt helps me dumb ass a ton.