smol, femme, nerd

libera te tutemet ex machina, and shitpost~~

  • 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023


  • My suggestion? Don’t filter out anything because you need to know how other people think and what’s going on.

    Yes, there’s lots and lots of disinformation and shilling, but exercise critical thinking (a part of which is knowing when to believe in something and when not to), and become almost stoic (mostly observe and analyze).

    Besides all that, exercise and/or volunteer in your local community. You will feel less shit about things you cannot control.

  • More leaders like her please, looking at you US

    Edit but yeah being technically capable aside, many eugenists were PhDs and philosophers. Sam Harris comes to mind as he is a racist and a sophist with lots of academic qualifications. So yeah, ethics and morals also matter greatly. Mexico seems to have lucked out, good for them!

  • Death is permanent and cannot be undone. Once someone dies they take all their love, potential and beauty with them. We can only with the memory of it, but that memory doesn’t have the ability to create new things or react to life in new ways.

    That said, people should be able to end their suffering in a dignified manner of their choosing without suffering more. No one asked to be alive, it’s a burden imposed on them by the will of the living. The least we can do, then, is to make living as devoid of suffering as we can for everyone.