Pirating content from creators especially indies is typically discouraged.
Pirating from corporations however🤘🤙
🍀Help me help you is my motto💖
Alt Accs:
Please consider donating, as it helps fund moderation and future FOSS projects!🤗
Pirating content from creators especially indies is typically discouraged.
Pirating from corporations however🤘🤙
Look, as someone that’s not afraid to be wrong I’m gonna say that I’m skeptical and say that I don’t trust this is real until I’ve read the research papers.
Reading the news nowadays kinda feels like “trust me bro” unless there are several additional systems based on logic that corroborates what is said as truth.
I’ll need more sleep before attempting to read let alone understand the published paper. No promises in how long it’ll take for me to provide my thoughts on it.
gotcha thanks!
The really cool thing is that it has support for payments in the Self-hosted version, which I’ve not personally seen before.
huh that’s actually pretty neat!
Just curious but is Ghost like an alternative to Wordpress or Squarespace?
If switching backend servers by clicking the links within Invidious doesn’t work, I’ve still provided the original Youtube link at the top of this post
Invidious was made as the default as it provides a more private viewing experience
The Youtube link is still provided in the post at the top
As someone who frequently uses edibles: no.
Whenever I’m high I can still differentiate between what’s real and what’s fantasy.
marijunana psychosis isn’t a thing as far as I’m aware.
As far as I know it shouldn’t, and I also agree with @Rhynoplaz@lemmy.world, seems better to have it renewed rather than expired👍
ahh I see
Thank you for the clarification👍
I can see what you mean by that although for this case in an odd manner you actually want to highlight this problem.
This is another parallel system that was shown in this crazy GDC talk: 1,500 Slot Machines Walk into a Bar: Adventures in Quantity Over Quality
For background context Alex Schwartz and Ziba Scott launched premium mobile games to the Google Play Store in 2013 which unfortunately didn’t “help in making our money back and being able to make enough money to make the next game”. After having explored the storefront and finding nefarious apps and junk reskined clones everywhere they decided to intentionally flood the Google Play Store with junk slot machine games as a joke/experiment.
"There was a point in here that I don’t think was drilled home as hard as it could have been which was… if people are sneaking by with garbage the thing that we did was to put a huge neon sign with an arrow pointing at ourselves and the garbage next to us; illuminating the entire underbelly of dark weird App Store shit and so the idea that if you do it at scale clearly they’re(Google’s) going to notice and clearly they’re(Google’s) going to change the terms of service slowly to ice you out.
Hopefully others went down with us in the wake of that. Like we provided the perfect targeted spot to drop the missile uh so hopefully, hopefully that helped get rid of duplicate apps that were also in the area."
Apologies I don’t really understand what you mean by that
I’m guessing this is a referral to the US election?
So u want to silence someone for their beliefs.
Allowing people to spout whatever nonsense and cause harm to others is reckless at best, ignorant and insane at worst. I’m old but not old enough to have dementia.
Free speach does not mean u have a right to not be offended.
The argument of free speech so hollow, I’ve seen it used by right-wingers as a rallying cry when in reality free speech is free yes but simutaneously it does not mean free of consequences.
He’s in violation of our TOS and probably several others which reminds me @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone you’ll want to see the last image with dumbass Zuck at the top
Reports don’t just go to mods, they go to admins as well.
You’re not wrong. Again however if the mod dismisses the report, the admin(s) would be unaware of the report unless they check the All tab. On P.D. anyways the report queue defaults to Unread, not sure if that can be changed on the newer instance versions.
And you can usually contact admins in other ways on most instances.
Again true, however [a user who’s already made a report] is it highly likely that they’d message the admins for an update? maybe?
It’s a non-zero possibility, but for my own report experience I actually just send a report and forget about it (unless I’m personally looking and pondering the reports queued on P.D’s report page, earlier last year I tried to send messages to users who made reports saying thank yous or updates on what happened to their reports).
For any users here please comment if you’ve asked for an update I’m actually genuinely curious what the frequency is.
Ah right I just remembered that I wanted to request for a feature that community moderators can’t dismiss the report that’s made about them. This is the same copyright loophole system that exists in Youtube.
“The claimant gets to review the dispute, the guy who wants to have my song; he gets to decide if he actually owns my song.”
This is the same contradictory system in a slightly different manner:
The defendant gets to review the dispute, the guy who’s been reported; they get to decide whether to accept or reject the report.
I noticed this paradox earlier last year when I made some terrible posts and asked the P.D. team to review the reports made on me as I didn’t want to fall into this trap.
Best you can do is report them for the spamming in the instances they do it on.
I’ve made a separate comment here that explains why this might not work as they are the moderator for the communities that they created.
Based on the number of dislikes I have to imagine that someone out there might have made reports which were probably and unfortunately ‘handled/managed’ by UniversalMonk as that’s how the current moderation system works:
Currently [as of Jan 12, 2025]
If a report is sent, both the community moderator(s) and admin(s) are able to see and handle the report.
The user who made the report might then unfortunately think that the admin(s) are condoning the post/content that’s shared on their platform which might not actually be the case.
At this point I’m just going to ask that: if anyone has any posts or comments that they’d like to report, please feel free to also shoot me a Direct Message (DM). I’m going to preempt and say that while I can’t promise that I’ll respond immediately, I can at least guarantee that I’ll reply back saying that I have seen your message.
oh derp
thanks for commenting! Reading the post again my initial answer is real stupid😬
Short answer is probably likely:
Humans are pumping out so much groundwater that it’s changing Earth’s tilt
> “Earth’s rotational pole actually changes a lot,” Ki-Weon Seo, a geophysicist at Seoul National University who led the study, said in a statement. “Our study shows that among climate-related causes, the redistribution of groundwater actually has the largest impact on the drift of the rotational pole.”
Side note:
Please consider spell and grammar checking your comments and posts with a word processor like OnlyOffice or LibreOffice
Nah. Even if the Snapstore backend were FOSS, you should still avoid Snaps because the way they implemented sandboxing subtly breaks many applications.
Fair; that is true.
Not to mention, they dishonestly co-opt your
apt install
invocations to sneakily install the Snap version.
🤨 damn that’s pretty crazy if true. Knowing Canonical this could be real, I’ll have to look this up.
Confirmed this is true
Apologies for linking to rdit, but yeah Canonical what’s going on with you
Alongside the Phoronix commentors I’m also of the same opinion that implementing Canonical’s defunct Snap package system is a waste of time and effort.
At this point, everyone with an understanding of the 3 primary containerized package types should know that Snaps in comparison to Flatpaks or AppImage packages should be avoided if possible.
If Canonical open-sourced their backend I believe that snaps would no longer cause such aversion and backlash from the community.
Coomer clickbait made by bot farms or corporate companies for whales and incels.
Why? Because money.