• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • It tends to be pretty random. I’d say just maximize opportunity by doing more things that involve other people. In my experience I’d say about 95% of my attempts to meet people, whether that be for friends or dating, go nowhere. Then of the remaining 5%, only 10% of that lasts longer than a year. So 99.5% of your efforts will be unrewarded or only slightly rewarded.

    So what can you do that involves other people? Meetups, volunteer, find an activity like climbing or trivia or whatever. It depends on your area. Since you’re in a rural area there won’t be much but take what you can get. Of course there’s a wide variety of rural areas, but there’s usually some activity prevalent in the area. Golf? Hiking? Hunting? Find wherever those people hang out and go hang out there.

  • Anybody but Biden. Kamala seems to be the expected replacement, that works. If not her, pretty much anyone else. Trump is a terrible candidate. While he has experience in show business, he’s way past his prime and pretty much any person should be able to beat him in a debate at this point.

    I was actually recently thinking through people I’ve known and whether they could’ve done a better job debating Trump than Biden did. Generally any adult with a functioning mind would do better. Adults I’ve known with a HS education could’ve crushed Trump in that debate. I’m actually not sure if a homeless guy I once debated on the street regarding the meaning of pi would do better or worse than Biden, he seemed to be at about Trump’s level of sanity and if Trump won this last debate, well yeah even he’d do better than Biden. I can also think of some older teenage jocks I once knew, and while they were dumb as rocks their teenager swagger would’ve been more convincing than Biden’s rambling failed attempts to remember rote speeches.

    If I try to think of who is actually about at Biden’s level, I think of myself at the age of 13, when I had a presentation in front of the class on an issue and for some reason I was struck by that early teenager nervousness, and haltingly tried to give a presentation as the class tried failingly to hide their laughter at how terribly it was going. It was probably the most embarrassing day of my life. That’s Biden’s level right there, because he sounded just like me back then giving that presentation. So any person in their late teens or older with a full grasp on sanity should be a much better candidate than Biden.

  • The sheer fact that she was allowed to use a self hosted email server instead of a secure .mail.mil address means a whole bunch of people should have faced charges

    I gotta disagree on the facts with this one, I don’t like Hillary either but the attempt to make the email thing criminal was in legal terms, bullshit. I agree that she broke the law, but there’s civil law (that a court can order government officials to stop breaking, but you can’t be thrown in jail for) and criminal law (that you can be thrown in jail for). The private email server was the former, not the latter.

    This article around 8 paragraphs down goes through the specific criminal laws at issue, but the summary is these laws are clearly designed to punish actually stealing documents with the intent to conceal or distribute them (like say, if she took them to a private bathroom in Florida), not to dictate criminal penalties for an insecure email setup.

    The reality of what happened is the FBI is a very Republican part of government, Comey is himself a lifelong Republican, and no one got more hate from Republicans than Hillary Clinton. They wanted to prosecute very badly, they just couldn’t.