Baby Shoggoth [she/her]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Did you miss the words “dark pattern”? it is a term for when companies misuse/abuse UX principles to trick people into acting against their own best interests. In this case, the bold “click me” looking button in the screenshots means “yes daddy, spank me and then sell my data to your friends”, which is the option that most people who see that box won’t want to click.

    Unfortunately, a large swath of the general population are trained in their brains to “click ok to make it go away”. These UX decisions take advantage of those people.

    Assumedly, the grayed out box will also not dismiss the banner, but instead lead to a more complicated experience where you then are forced to drill down into complicated options to decide which of the cookies to set, which will be confusing if you didn’t open the link at top in a new tab to cross reference which of the 27 data brokers “Technology Partners” to decide which.

    It’s not UX, it’s abusive UI and the very definition of malicious compliance to EU regulations.

  • You just apply anyway.

    Usually they’re not willing to pay anywhere close to doctorate money for doctorates anyway, and will end up settling no matter who they pick.

    I’m not sure if i’ve ever known any engineer who has met the listed job requirements for their role. They say requirements, but what they mean is “this is my ideal”. Put another way: think of it like a dating app profile. dude may act like he only dates 10s in his profile, but you show him some attention and suddenly you’re just as good as a 10, because he’s lonely and needs affection from someone.

    Basically, for most companies, they’re essentially the corporate version of incels. Way too high of standards, but will settle for anyone who is into them regardless of what they think their standards are, because they just need someone ASAP, and their standards disappear quickly once you make yourself available.

    I’ve enjoyed a 20+ year long career as a programmer, and I dropped out of college 3 months in because i couldn’t afford it. That’s because early in my career i took a few shitty jobs until i had a decent enough resume that i didn’t have to take shitty jobs anymore. That took study and practice and passion in programming, but i did that for fun years before i even showed up on the university doorstep.

  • Along these lines, i’m thrilled with the ps portal as well. was only $200, but the ps online streaming is so good. i used to use it on ps4 on my ipad with an external controller from 1200 miles away at legit decent frame rate and latency.

    ps portal’s display is crisp and beautiful, it looks so much more gorgeous than the steam deck (because all the rendering is done on the ps5), and there are some games that i don’t even really want to play on the big screen format that the portal has made awesome because they’re wonderful on handheld format.

    best gaming purchase i’ve made in a long while

  • What liability? These are in government-licensed facilities regulated by the same government institutions which regulate the sale of alcohol, which require you, just like a bar or liquor store do, to verify your identity and that you are an adult with a government-issued ID, where all products are subject to government testing and taxation.

    This isn’t about liability, it’s about outdated federal regulations which remain in place only because alcohol producers continue to pay off / “donate to” congresspeople to prevent a different inebriant, consumption and usage of which is demonstrably safer for both the direct consumer and the general public, from affecting alcohol profits.