Nearly 16 percent of America’s mainland is 30 miles or more away from a hospital with emergency care.
The next time they state that the wording is confusing. On first read I thought it was 16% of the population.
Look at the map in your article. Pictured are vast tracks of deserts, mountains, badlands, etc. And look even closer. That spot in NY is where a bunch of wilderness areas come together. The spots in FL are swamps. I’ve driven through that spot in OK, it’s beautiful, but mostly empty of humans.
Besides, 28 miles to a hospital isn’t too awful, unless you’re grievously injured. The vast majority of healthcare is taken care of by smaller units. Even in my little town we have 2 stand-alone emergency rooms (and a full hospital).
Now if I just had insurance and could afford to go to those places… Coming down with bronchitis today, nothing I can do unless I spend the last of my savings.
It’s not a matter of low profit, it’s a matter of loss. Modern healthcare is too expensive to serve small populations.
And like the USPS, one more reason healthcare should be government funded, to serve those who can’t profitably be served.