I find the way he presents himself to be fairly grating, but his recipes can be good. His corner shop curry method is now my preferred way of making curry at home.
I find the way he presents himself to be fairly grating, but his recipes can be good. His corner shop curry method is now my preferred way of making curry at home.
I said out loud at a Warhammer convention that space marines are just dolls for grown men.
The fact that planes are kept in the air by the shape of their wings, which forces air to go over at a pace when it can’t push down on the wing as hard as it can push up from underneath. It’s like discovering an exploitable glitch in a videogame and every time I fly I worry that the universe will get patched while I’m at 10,000 feet.
I’m not American, so probably not until he escalates his messing with other countries to the bombs and guns stage.
putting leeches on people
We still do that. Leeches are surprisingly useful when treating certain blood clots. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
I have a thick rope of muscle in my mouth that I can control accurately enough to speak with, swallow with, and dig popcorn fragments out from between my teeth with.
Just one of nature’s wacky solutions that applies to more than one problem. I should be grateful it doesn’t have thorns on it.
I believe I’ll find myself headed for a low dive to meet with the boss and his right-hand men. There’s business to be done and it’s time to pay the vig.
(It’s our weekly D&D session. I’m bringing snacks.)
In some English-speaking countries that would be the same as saying “Dr Bullshit”.
She was a manager who bullied a handful of people out of their jobs. She tried it on me as well, but I was an outside employee on site to do tech support and my manager and company backed me up. Still a horrible time in my life.
The weird thing is, even after her bosses figured out what she was doing to her staff and put her on a short leash with restrictions on what she could do or say, she still kept it up. Maybe it was compulsive behaviour. A little while later she suddenly announced that she was leaving to start a business as a life coach(!) so reading between the lines it was probably a case of quit or be fired.
I bumped into her again and she was working as a kind of HR manager for students at a university. But I also just checked her Linkedin page and it looks like she’s doing life coaching again. This is a small industry and word gets around so if there’s justice in the universe, she’s been black-balled.
Other people’s opinions of you are based more on what’s in their heads than yours. Don’t worry about it. Say what you think.
Whose blood?
Whose blood, OP?
Very cool. That would make fantastic terrain for a tactical mini game. The mushrooms are some kind of sea-thingy, aren’t they?
What do you think about what are your thoughts on AI?
Same as we did last time. Strengthen our relationships and trade with friendly non-US countries.
Happens to me every time I read an article on quantum physics. Pretty sure the universe is just messing with us at this point.
And there’s a small but significant number of people on the internet who use “can” and “can’t” interchangeably.
They aren’t as tech savvy as millennials.
I’m GenX. If you ask my group of friends “who here has built their own PC from components?” every hand is going to go up. Including the teacher, the administrator and the financier.
Ask a group of Millennials who knows what the command line is for and see what reaction you get.
GenX is the generation that does tech support for its parents and its children.
No. I believe that adage about absolute power corrupting absolutely. I don’t trust myself or any other single person with that kind of money.
The dude contributed greatly to physics, optics and mathematics.
He also tried to cure the plague with magic frog vomit.
And that’s why we were able to afford it.
Get it on video. Every time you play it during his adult years, he’ll die inside a little more.