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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • The comments point you make is a really great one. I was the same on Reddit, never engaging on something because by the time it appeared in my feed, it would be thousands of comments deep. Everything that needed to be said had been said.

    But on Lemmy, it’s much easier to jump in and actually have a conversation.

    I switched over when it was announced Sync for Reddit was closing, but became much more active when Sync for Lemmy arrived due to it being an interface I had been familiar with for a decade. But the move came at a time where I was taking steps to reduce my empty consumption too, deleting social accounts and replacing them with books and newspaper subscriptions. The lower content count on Lemmy is perfect for that as it means I still get great stuff in my feed, but it’s not really possible to scroll forever. Instead I now open a newspaper app, use Pocket to read an article I’ve saved or pick up my book on the Kindle app. I’m generally just consuming much better quality media due to much fewer distractions.

  • This is the kind of attitude that has the UK the way it is and is completely incorrect. Let’s strip this down to the absolute most basic payouts people receiving governmental support in the UK can get:

    That’s before we even begin to talk about things like accomodation allowances. You also have to remember that UK residents can work and receive income support, with earnings up to £6000 not affecting how much weekly support can be, while asylum seekers cannot even work despite being on significantly less.

    It’s easy to throw around comments like yours but if you try actually doing some research rather than spouting stuff from the red tops, you’ll see that it’s simply not true. I’ve provided links in case you’d like to start that research.

    Nobody in need is getting enough support at the moment but the reason for that is not immigration, it’s years of Tory rule.