SDF user since 2001. BSD user since 1998.

Just here for the tech discussion.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I use CalyxOS on my Fairphone since 2022. It is better than the stock OS and allows re-locking the bootloader. It also provides timelier updates than Fairphone OS. It is absolutely fine and has zero issues.

    I have one banking app that doesn’t work. Another one that does work. Also, I have paid purchases through the Google Play Store that do not see the subscription. I was going to let them expire anyway. I also have a Google One that doesn’t see the subscription, so none of the advanced editing features in Photos works. I assume all of these would be problematic on GrapheneOS as well.

    I would run GrapheneOS if I had a Pixel, or if it supported the Fairphone.

  • Keep an eye out for system76 laptops on eBay. They are a bit pricier than equivalent generation ThinkPads, but they have supported Coreboot on their laptops for about three years now with continuous updates.

    Be careful when searching; none of their AMD devices support Coreboot, and none of the desktops do, even if they are Intel. Also, if buying an older machine, make sure it came after 2020 or so. Galago Pro after galp6 and Darter Pro since the redesign are safe bets since they have Intel graphics. System76 has excellent documentation on their website for older laptops so you should find your answer there. These systems are designed in conjunction with Clevo, but one cannot simply flash Coreboot on the equivalent Clevo hardware since system76 has a different embedded controller.

    Also, if not system76, the answer nobody wants to hear for Coreboot is, Chromebook.

  • There is an entire industry of shady companies who make tens of millions per by selling dogshit “secure comms” products to barely literate and computer illiterate LtCols and procurement officers in the US Government.

    Those officers are close to retirement and by regurgitating big words they do not understand while still in their procurement positions, they can land a job at said company and receive some of those funds once they hit minimum retirement age and wait a year.

    Signal is free and disruptive to those business models.

    Ergo the misinformation campaign, the FUD, is well funded, by people who have a lot to lose.

  • Trillian was just a UI that put all your contacts in the same window. You couldn’t talk across protocols, or merge the same user contact across multiple protocols.

    Think of Matrix as a unified protocol from which AIM, MSN, ICQ would have all been based. And so if someone is on AIM but you registered on MSN, you can still talk. And at the fundamental level, it looks like IRC. It is the opportunity to re-baseline everything on a standard that is open and supports end to end encryption.

    So while bridges would be needed today, the idea is that some time in the future these services would re-baseline on the Matrix protocol, or be displaced for whatever market reason by a startup that chose to baseline on Matrix.

  • I am going to say the unspoken part out loud: it’s rooted in Hitler’s “Creators, Maintainers, Destroyers” view of race.

    The fact that this article exists at all shows how deeply rooted the sentiment is, even if 95% of the people regurgitating it don’t see themselves as racist or know that this is what their society has conditioned them to believe.

    Asians only get tech by copying and stealing from the West. So when the “free market” West gets bothered by a little bit of competition and enforces protectionist measures, Asians who aren’t willing to whore out their women to Westerners are supposed to come crawling back and accept sanctions as punishment for trying to be uppity. It’s a shock to the system that China was able to keep innovating independently in a different direction, that can’t easily be attributed to IP theft. It’s not about the 7nm process; it’s about the entire SoC.

    There are a lot of dogwhistles and things left unspoken in these articles and TikTok videos (where I saw it first) and I’m sure the “well ackshually nobody ever said that” jackasses are ready to pounce on this comment so it’s probably best to just leave it at this:

    Unilateral protectionism has been a fucking disaster for consumers. All we got out of it was increased prices. A maxed out iPhone in 2016 cost $949. A maxed out iPhone in 2023 costs seventeen hundred fucking dollars and Samsung has done the same increase over that period. Less choice meant less competition and the duopoly was able to further entrench in their positions. This phone would be competitive with flagships at half the price. Why is that a bad thing?