So, how do you know?
So, how do you know?
You’re adding to the confusion.
kWh (as in kW*h) and not kW/h is for measurement of energy.
Watt is for measurement of power.
The alternative being a ~4 years younger criminal without any morals.
The thing is: whether Israel accepts this or not, they’re in a bad place if other states do so.
It’s about time major players like the US and Germany startt doing the right thing.
What about discussing Palestinian statehood although Israeli terrororism continues?
Otherwise Israel would have a means to block said discussions.
Thank you for the additional info.
I think I just wanted to believe there’s at least one religion that leads to good deeds and good deeds only. You may call me naive.
Someone doesn’t like our comments. Have we kicked a hornet’s nest? lol.
I’ve only been able to see Buddhism practiced in the west. I couldn’t have imagined how horrible it can be practiced elsewhere.
In all fairness, what they do with animals is opposed to Buddhist doctrine.
Then again a lot of what (fundamentalist) Christians do is opposed to Christian doctrine.
The common denominator seems to be: horrible people doing horrible things in the name of $placeholder.
I’d love to get the long version, because from what I’ve gathered so far Buddhism doesn’t appear to be built around aggregation and (ab)use of power.
I may be completely off though and would like to have additional information!
I’m no expert on that matter, but I can imagine problems getting a bill passed with support for Ukraine only and even more so for a bill with support for Ukraine and Palestine.
Apparently supporting Ukraine has a price beyond money sigh
Buddhism wants to have a word with you.
That’s what I thought about George W. Bush once.
Since that time I’ve learned that I lack imagination.
Remind me: doesn’t a pardon include or rather imply an admission of guilt?
Because no guilt, no grounds for pardon, right?
Can pardons be effectively handed out for all kinds of crimes? Or are there crimes, which just can’t be pardoned - strictly from a legal point of view of course.
Looks nice and I’d like it even more, had it an USB-C port with display output.
But even in the current configuration it’s a nice gadget at a reasonable price point.
4 GB RAM is not exactly great for a kind of desktop computer (even with Linux), but using this thing as a server with a built-in keyboard and display would have saved me some trouble I faced with unresponsive RaspberryPis.