I don’t remember what caused the Voat’s origin, except it involved Reddit HQ. And then it went under in 2020.

What’s different about this time and with Lemmy to make it a feasible alternative to Reddit? Is it random chance?

  • zyS7@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I remember it mostly the way you do. It certainly wasn’t conservative in any sense of the word. Socially, /r/atheism was a default sub, most of the user base was LGBT friendly, and pornography was allowed. Economically, universal healthcare and the OWS protests were supported.

    There was a libertarian-minded free-speech-absolutist streak, which is why things like /r/jailbait and /r/watchpeopledie were allowed. Some people like to blame the elimination of that type of stuff on “intolerant leftists” but in my estimation the real culprit there was the media catching wind and advertisers not wanting to advertise on sites with that sort of content.

    In my opinion, Reddit became far more hostile to conservatives when /r/the_donald took off. That may be more a sign of the times than anything particular about Reddit; political engagement in general was rising during that time. But also most users didn’t really appreciate the way that sub manipulated Reddit’s algorithms, or being called “cuck” in their hobby subs.

    • zeppo@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Yeah, the questionable porn and gore are what resembled 4chan Lite. There wasn’t much hate speech, racism or non-liberal political talk though back then. I think reddit realized that having prominent subs posting photos of 14 year old girls wasn’t something they wanted to be in their public image at all, which was probably a good move.

      I don’t feel like reddit became hostile to conservatives as much as conservatives who were hostile showed up, which of course made people not like them. It was also a time when political attitudes and discourse in general in the US was growing more contentious and less civil. The ‘cuck’ crap, the “liberal tears!!” type attitudes, death threats, arrogance and harassing people showed up when ‘the donald’ went big around 2016-17. Not really different than Facebook or IG in that respect - I finally quit Facebook entirely around 2017 because i was sick of having contentious politics in my face non-stop. I’m not sure if /r/conservative even existed before ~2015. Also strangely /r/conspiracy turned from a place to discuss MK-ULTRA and UFOs to a place where people talked anti-Democratic Party politics non-stop. Personally I feel like a lot of it was organized astroturf, not even necessarily from inside the US.

      • zyS7@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I think reddit realized that having prominent subs posting photos of 14 year old girls wasn’t something they wanted to be in their public image at all

        It’s basically a non-starter; all “free speech absolutist” websites are. I think Moot said that 4chan didn’t make any money because they were radioactive to advertisers. Voat died because they couldn’t attract advertisers. The remaining right-wing social media sites are all running at a loss as far as anyone can determine.

        I don’t feel like reddit became hostile to conservatives as much as conservatives who were hostile showed up

        Maybe a bad choice of words on my part. I 100% agree that conservatives basically invaded the site during the leadup to the 2016 election and proceeded to harass the existing user base until the admins were forced to step in. Even then the admins did the minimum they possibly could and slow-walked everything. Conservatives got every opportunity to course-correct and basically refused.

        A lot of Reddit is hostile to conservatives now and they definitely earned that ire.

        I’m not sure if /r/conservative even existed before ~2015.

        That sub was created Jan 25, 2008. Interestingly enough, it seems /r/christianity was created at the same time. I don’t remember anyone being aware of either sub - much less caring about them - prior to /r/the_donald. Reddit was pretty fine with conservative subs before they started showing up in everybody’s gaming and knitting subs calling everybody cucks and baby murderers.

        Personally I feel like a lot of it was organized astroturf, not even necessarily from inside the US.

        Everything about the genesis of /r/the_donald feels like organized to me. That shit came out of nowhere. If I had to guess, it’s something similar to Steve Bannon’s strategy to target gamers and the gamergate fiasco.