It can vary but being needed is a common one. The feeling that they are helping hold the NPD’s life together.
It can vary but being needed is a common one. The feeling that they are helping hold the NPD’s life together.
There is also a reason this person is willing to put up with it. A neurotypical doesn’t trying to understand and forgive the behavior, they just find other neurotypical people to hang out with.
Orbiters of a narcissists, fuel the disease and gain their own validation by being someone else’s fuel. That doesn’t make it healthy.
Or are willing to acknowledge.
Well that’s another way to burn a few more billion.
Being born in the same town means there is a high chance of it being a relative of the girl and her grandmother.
Someone didn’t get his liter cola.
This whole school is about to fall out of a window.
Microsoft and Nvidia are investing but they are both positioned to gain a return on investment by cloud hosting and hardware sales respectively.
Apple dropping out indicates they saw behind the curtain, did the math and realized they can create their own platform for less.
There is no path to profitability for them. Unlike other recent billion dollar tech companies there are no human workers to squeeze. Hardware doesn’t work for less than minimum wattage.
Sounds like Trump was delivered some new internal polling.
Just a moment. Need to find the tweezers and magnifying glass.
Womp womp
“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
I assure you, I put no effort into being an internet fuckwad.
Source: His ass.
It would be easier to record than upload. Since upload requires at least a decode steps. Given the fleeting nature of existence how does one confirm the decoding? This also requires we create a simulated brain, which seems more difficult and resource intensive than forming a new biological brain remotely connected to your nervous system inputs.
Recording all inputs in real time and play them back across a blank nervous system will create an active copy. The inputs can be saved so they can be played back later in case of clone failure. As long as the inputs are record until the moment of death, the copy will be you minus the death so you wouldn’t be aware you’re a copy. Attach it to fresh body and off you go.
Failure mode would take your literal lifetime to reform your consciousness but what’s a couple decades to an immortal.
We already have the program to create new brains. It’s in our DNA. A true senior developer knows better than to try and replicate black box code that’s been executing fine. We don’t even understand consciousness enough to pretend we’re going to add new features so why waste the effort creating a parallel system of a black box.
Scheduled reboots of a black box system is common practice. Why pretend we’re capable of skipping steps.
Same market.
And you’re obsessed with giant cocks. This is very interesting. A therapist could write a book on you.
Hating an operating system such that someone wouldn’t use it in exchange for a million dollars is quite the flex.
Tell me you don’t have children without telling me you don’t have children.