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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024


  • “but as I customer, I always see a store worker as a human and engage respectfully, and at least most people I know do the same”

    Yeah, that’s a HUGE problem in US culture, people are fucking awful to anyone in customer service. They look down on you like there’s some class system and they are the lords and service people are the lowest peasant. I developed a nasty habit working in service of ‘‘never falling for their bullshit’’. Never show weakness, never give them an opportunity to fuck with you. It’s actually a terrible approch to social interactions, most of normal social interactions are built on mutual trust or understanding, if you never allow either to manifest, it’s a big communication breakdown.

  • Actually in that specific situation, the store is closed and you have to come back when they’re opened. It’s not closed for fun. It’s closed because the store closes, and there’s 45mins of tasks that have to be done and many of them require the registers to be closed and the doors to be locked and if you unlock the door you have to reset the timer and start over. It’s not a game, your bullshit isn’t worth 10-15 people working an extra 45min at a time when the store isn’t making money. I gotta tell you when your a specialist or manager and you have to close and open, getting to bed in time to sleep enough to not die is a bigger problem than your lost item. Literally everyone else knows you don’t get special treatment for losing something, Come back in the morning you spoiled little shit.

  • Snowclone@lemmy.worldtoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldI hate people like this
    18 days ago

    Nope, you never engage. Never ever engage. That flaming asshole who’s too self centered and ignorant to read the hours posed on the door they’re banging on and refuses to accept that the store is closed for EVERYONE including them, isn’t going to be polite, honest, or responsible. If you engage, they will immediately punish you for it. Don’t ever make that mistake.

    You don’t work for the customer, you work for the store. It’s not always a crime to go along with a customer, but it’s always a negative when they want to push you to violate policy, change prices, complain about Mike in sporting goods for having a mustache, or ‘‘I’ll be real quick I sware’’ shopping when the store is closed. They will always punish you.

    I eventually figured out that when a customer gets shitty, more than half the time if I say ''I work for the store and I’m responsible for [the dumbass shit you want me to do], if I violate store policy I’ll be fired" they suddenly realize this isn’t a game, and stop acting like a can of smashed assholes.

  • You’re mostly over reacting. You’re on the first few days, months, or year at this work environment, you’re not going to feel plugged in to it by yourself or coworkers right off the bat. You’re also making the mistake a lot of people make in any interpersonal interaction, you had one good interaction, and you didn’t get reciprocated treatment, so you assume it’s not working. One interaction isn’t enough, you need many, 10-12 interactions are more realistic. Your new, so the burden is on you to provide the majority of the interaction.

    You aren’t wrong AT ALL about not going out of your way to interact with people who seem distant, or standoffish with you. Not being forceful with interactions shows respect and intelligence. Go for natural interactions and remember, you’re a dozen more interactions away from even seeing if this is working. At the same time focusing on people who are friendly and open to you is a wise choice, some people won’t warm up to you until you have established connections in their workplace.

    Also as an introvert that worked in sales for a long time, you’re not understanding what introvert means, or maybe the way you’re talking about it is awkward to me. Introverts make great sales people, I can talk to an introvert on day one and say ''when you’re asking if they want the service package, you have to explain all service after purchase is 100% free, and includes a regular yearly maintenence service, and all can be in home service, they think it’s an extended warranty if you don’t explain it’s a service package" and they will get all points across every pitch, and typically they will focus on word choice and reading customers. Extroverts? It’s at least three conversations about this, and I have to coach their word choices.

    Introvert just means you’re exhausted by socially interacting with others, it doesn’t mean you bad at it, or you fear it, it mostly means you’re not having fun when your talking to someone, you’re working. Lots of benefits in that, and lots of draw backs, but it’s not a lack of capability in you, it’s just a skill, and like every skill you need to practice before you get good at it. Also leaving yourself stretches of no social interactions during your work day so you don’t get burned out is also a very good idea.

    You’re on the right path, just be consistent, and accept it takes time to get folded in at a workplace, and never take it personal. If you’re there for more than a year and you feel like they haven’t accepted you, then there’s some serious problems at that particular workplace that are out of your control, and you might consider moving on, or location change, whatever your profession allows that’s also in your favor.

  • What I wrote – Very easily impressed with basic factual statements

    What you think it means – there’s something wrong with people who are learning new things.

    Does ‘‘basic factual statements’’ mean ‘‘new information that someone is just now learning’’. Can it also apply to information they already know, or believe is true? Can it also be referring to basic knowledge nearly everyone knows?

    Does ‘being very easily impressed’ include a situation where someone reacts to information in a typical fashion? Does it exclude adults learning or recognizing factual information and responding with a simple agreement, such as ‘yeah that’s true’? Or is this an indication that an overreacting response is the dead giveaway?

    1. Did the sentance make a claim something is wrong with being a child?

    2. Did the sentence claim that learning new information is likewise something wrong?

    Please write one 5 sentance paragraph explaining your opinion on the above two numbered questions. Proofreading will not be necessary.

  • Very confidently wrong, poor reading comprehension, poor grammar, limited vocabulary, emoji gore, catch phrase/pop culture quotes/talking points repeated with no comprehension of what they’re saying, clearly not aware of how many things in life work, religious regurgitation while being surprised everyone doesn’t agree with them. Very easily impressed with basic factual statements, clearly thinking confidence is the main thing that makes someone correct. Thinks their mom telling they they are handsome is a valid point. Idk, that’s all I got.

  • The current method is auto deleting nsfw images. Doesn’t matter how you got there, it detects nsfw it dumps it, you never get an image. Besides that gating nsfw content generation behind a pay wall or ID wall. It would stop a lot of teenagers. Not all, but it would put a dent in it. There are also AI models that will allow some nsfw if it’s clearly in an artistic style, like a watercolor painting, but will kick nsfw realism or photography, rendered images, that sort of thing. These are usually both in the prompt mode, paint in/out, and image reference mode, generation of likely nsfw images, and after generating a nsfw check before delivering the image. AI services are antisipating full on legal consequences for allowing any nsfw or any realistic, photographic, cgi, image of a living person without their consent, it’s easy to see that’s what they are prepared for.