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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Yeah this is the biggest issue.

    The way most housing gets built where I live it works like this: A company handles the project management, buying the land, getting the permits, hiring the builders, doing the marketing/sales etc. This costs a HUGE amount of money, which they don’t have. So these projects get designed on paper and then sold to investors. These put in a big amount of money, with the expectation of the project making money in the sales of the housing in the end. This means they can often double their entry in a couple of years, which is really good in terms of investments. As the investors want to make as much money as possible, the company designing the housing have incentives to not only make the houses as dense as possible, but also as expensive as possible. Their margins in percent are about the same no matter the house, so a more expensive house makes them more money. This leads to really big expensive homes crammed together in either high rises or plots. It’s really dumb as well since detached homes are worth more, they build homes with like 2 meter between them. The biggest issue is, only rich people can afford these homes. Even though more homes are built, the majority of people looking to buy a home can’t afford these. Homes also get sold to investors again, to rent out as the house itself appreciates in value. These expensive homes also have the effect of driving up property prices in the area, which leads to more expensive houses and higher taxes.

    In the end, it’s only the rich that profit. They get the good investment projects, making them even more rich. They get to buy the expensive new homes to live in. They get to buy the homes to rent out and use as an investment vehicle.

    Some places have made them build cheaper homes as well, if they want to get the permit. But it’s not enough. We need to be building practical affordable homes, but we don’t cause the people putting up the money to build stuff don’t want to.

  • Besides the first all electric train bit, which is nonsense, it also touts the capacity of the train. It has 120 seats, which may be mind blowing to car heads, but for a train is rather on the low side. Regular passenger trains often have over 200 seats and many have more seats for the same length. For busy pieces of track 600 seats per train aren’t unusual.

    It really is like the author has never heard of trains before and has his mind blown by the concept.

    Personally I think putting in batteries is kinda dumb, trains need so much infrastructure already and it’s fixed in location. Adding a power delivery system (like overhead power lines like most electric trains have) is really easy. That way a lot of weight is saved, thus making the whole thing more efficient. You also don’t need any special materials to make it, compared with huge batteries. And the wear components are a lot less expensive to replace.

  • I’m usually fine with Destin even though I know he’s a very religious Christian, usually he can somehow separate the facts from his beliefs. If being a Christian is the best thing for him, more power to him. But he needs to keep it out of his science videos, as he has done a good job of in the past.

    In this video he stepped over the line for me. This whole intelligent design thing has been a goal post moving operation for decades now. Every time scientists show how a complex thing evolved from an earlier thing, they move the goal posts and claim that previous thing is actually the thing their deity designed.

    The records from millions of years ago may be incomplete, especially when it comes to things as small as this. So it could very well be the previous thing this evolved from isn’t there to be found. That will open the door for Christians to say: “See! It hasn’t evolved, it got put on the Earth by our God!”.

    I think I’m just disappointed in Destin I guess. He knew he was walking the line, which is why he added the part in the end. For me this was over the line, but that may just be my issue.