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Joined 18 days ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2024


  • Why does it really matter that issues can be “discussed” if the issue being discussed is as atrocious as what Israel is doing to Palestine.

    Israel and the US know that what they’re doing is wrong. Them and their crony countries aren’t going to change course because of this.

    It doesn’t exactly prevent WW2 if they tell Hitler to stop and he doesn’t listen…unless of course they choose to let him continue his goals unimpeded rather than go to war, citing their documented disagreement as sufficient counter action…

  • By competition and diploma.

    What sort of competition and diploma?

    Who do you compete with over what/in what way and who controls the competition/decides the winner? Is anything that influences this process political?

    Does requiring that judges be elected remove requirements for diplomas? It definitely increases competition as you have to compete for the will of the people.

    Why elect him on political bases?

    Everything is political. The laws are determined by politics, every single person’s interpretation of said laws is determined by politics.

    A better question is, how does your system actually effectively remove politics from the process? Or does it simply shift the political aspect from the people themselves to another third party?

    Why shouldn’t the people themselves decide how they want the laws enforced in their own country? Who else should decide if not the people?

    We do not elect an engineer on political criteria, we take the one who seems the best among the candidates.

    Who determines which engineer seems the best off of what criteria? Is it political at all?

    Example: engineer1 is great at building bridges but only alright at apartments, engineer2 is great at building apartments but bad at bridges.

    The people of the city know the city requires more apartments but not more bridges.

    Why should engineer1 get the job for simply being the “better engineer” when he doesn’t fit the needs of the people?

    What’s the point to elect them?

    Why shouldn’t a judge serve and be accountable to the will of the people? Who knows better? Why?

    And how is it not an authoritarian, anti-democratic, political opinion to state that someone does better know what the people need than the people?

  • The diversion is more significant than the article makes it out to be.

    What diversion? Russia hasn’t had to slow down it’s advances in other regions at all, in fact in some cases Russia has made faster gains, because Ukraine diverted its own best troops…

    On face value, Kursk region isn’t that important to Moscow and they’ve got the strategic points like the nuclear plant on lock. However it’s hard to deny the value of the morale boost that Ukraine desperately needed,

    It’s only a morale boost to westerners observing the news as if it’s a game. It doesn’t help the real world situation for Ukraine or Ukrainians. That’s what this was for, to signal boost to the west.

    The Kursk incursion does not change losses caused by poor military coordination present from Ukrainian and Russian command structures.

    No, it’s an example of said poor military coordination present in the Ukrainian command structure…

  • The entire point of this thread is that from an outsiders perspective, you’re only going to see the news articles and form biased opinions.

    What? I’m not talking about an outsiders perspective. I’m American, I’m familiar with our school system.

    meanwhile there were 82 deaths from school shootings last year out of 49.4 million students, or 0.000165% of the student population. Even looking at injuries, we only get to 0.00054%.

    Those are better odds than being struck by lightening in a given year, Would you argue lightning “isn’t dangerous”?

    Going back to 2020 there have been 157 school shootings, we have 115,171 schools in the US.

    Theres a 0.14% chance that over the course of 4 years your child’s school will experience a shooting…that’s dangerous.

    Even beyond the physical danger, what does that do to for the mind? How many students have lost friends and now suffer with PTSD or Anxiety etc even if they weren’t technically “injured” by the shooting?

    Is that number too high? Fuck yes. Any number of children injured or dying due to violence is unacceptable. It’s disgusting and the lack of response from our leadership is abhorrent. But are schools in the US dangerous because of this? Absolutely not.

    Yes that number is too high, and yes it makes schools dangerous. Idk why you’re trying to act like school shootings aren’t a serious danger in American society, while admitting that it’s a problem (and it’s a problem because it puts too many kids in danger…)

  • Because it’s not interpreted as just being “about foreign countries colonizing previously liberated countries in the Americas”…

    Is China asking to colonize countries in the Americas?

    Comes off as very disingenuous and bad faith given the real world context.

    Its as valid as saying

    “Why would China call out the Monroe doctrine when it’s about European countries, do they plan on joining Europe?!”…no.

    It’s ialso mportant to note:

    The Roosevelt corollary, which you mention they would be right to call out, directly stems from the Monroe doctrine. It’s “the Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe doctrine”

    Abolishing the Monroe doctrine would therefore abolish the standing of the Roosevelt corollary…

    Ironically a good example of the real world context you must consider and proof of the need to abandon the Monroe Doctrine.