Surely AI will make it easier.
Surely AI will make it easier.
The sugar problem is wild. And I’ll admit iv beens in it’s clutches a lot longer than weed. Also I’m still happy with weed, and while I am trying to cut back on the sugars wholly shit it’s so much harder than weed. Or booze, which I also enjoy and struggle with.
It can be addictive. It can lead to other drugs. Neither of which means it needs to be illegal.
As someone who frequently explains to people why their driving privileges have been suspended, even though they have never had a license, this video really tickled me. The dumbness knows no bounds.
Yea I don’t think I can go back to any type of storage based music. Tidal is what I have been looking at, was bought to my attention a little while ago. I’ll check put deezer too.
Faaacck. People know of any music streaming services run by someone not a complete asshole?
With the the way spotify integrates with my ps4 it’ll be tough to give it up, especially with the all Playlists and followed artists I’ll need to copy over…
But yea willing to try.
Pos nazi makes jokes a nazi would? Shocked Pikachu face.