Which new domais? For science and a friend?
Which new domais? For science and a friend?
Joe Rogan is very much part of the misinformation media, he continuously gets guests talking crazy shit and he always nods along, yeah yeah, and people form some stupid reason just lap it up
Can we, for the love of fuck, put laws in placenthst require that as soon as a group of a certain size (say 50+) listens to you, that you are responsible for what you’re saying and that you’re required to ensure that your information is scientifically correct?
I’m sorry, but fuck free speech as so many people are raving about. Its the worst thing that has happened to the world since the Internet came on. All idiots now have a loud voice and the vast majority of humans apparently are very poorly equipped to weed out this bullshit.
No, your “pyramid curing cancer theory being blocked by big pharma” is NOT real, does NOT have a right to be heard, and is NOT a positive for humanity.
Yes, yes, we should be able to say what we want (within reason) but once you’d tart getting a following, that’s it. No more, PLEASE. YOU HAVE YO START BEING TRUTHFUL AND FACTUAL. Why do we continue to allow people to lie their asses off to groups to manipulate others? Hell, even US presidents do this in insane amounts. Even Obama lied at least a little in like 25% of is statements? And he was a low outlier. Trump lies about 90% of the time at pants on fire levels and we’re all fine with it. First amendment rules ftw!
Trump would never have been in power if we had something like this. Medical quackery would be gone as Dr Oz can no longer sell his snake oil bullshit. Churches would be gone, yikes… Imagine marketing if companies were required to be actually truthful about their products?
News organizations!
OMFG. So Fox news sues the US government to not be held to standards requiring them to be factual because first amendment… So quite literally everything coming from them today is a lie. Its all bullshit. Why do we allow this and just laught at them? Why does nobody see the danger of just allowing news organizations to lie to the populace to divide the people, to get false ideas in their heads, to fill them with false hatred…
If Fox news and the likes would have been required to be truthful there would be no trump, the racial divide in the US would have been a whole lot less than it is today. And when I mean truthful I also mean the things they focus on, the insinuations, the pundits with their opinions.
Why why why, why do we allow any of this? What the fuck, world? The first amendment is not worth ending up in world was three because we MUST allow special interests to lie yo everyone, first amendment!
Start requiring that companies MUST be truthful. Presidents and governments MUST be truthful in claims to their citizens. Celebrity or someone with a following? You must be truthful in your claims.
We either start growing up as humanity or this will be our downfall. We are at the edge of the end of humanity as we have known it for centuries due to climate change (and have no doubt, it fucking will end everything we know today) but can’t even have a basic discussion about how to stop or reverse this because special interests are allowed to use their news outlets to just scream that climate change is a hoax.
We just allow that. The theater is on fire and we can’t even have a discussion on how to escape out because even though the flames are right there, the theater owner keeps screaming over everyone that all is okay, there is no fire, we don’t have to escape.
Its gotten to the point where no meaningful discussion is possible anymore because we vant even agree about the basic facts in front of us anymore.
This has got to stop. The lies have to stop, we need basic facts.
That musk tweet claiming he is a socialist is just nauseating
Yeah, I remember watching Elon personally shooting fire Jewish babies to death yesterday and curb stomping a few more…
Oh wait, that didn’t happen and FFS dude, stop with the hyperbolic nonsense. Elon musk is the scum of the earth but he is by far still not further right than Hitler. He very well may become, but for the moment he’s not.
And then a spaceship landed, and little aliens came out and went all “Bing badabing!” (That, by the way is LITERALLY how that guy imitates gun sounds)
You were gone for so long, at least 5 minutes! Where were you?
Ding ding ding ding ding, we got a winner
we have to find out about who, exactly, was in that whole thing,
You and maga extremists, those were in that whole thing. You invited everyone by tweet, remember you narcissistic alzheimer maniac?
I mean, if were just adding random groups…
Are you are the Grinch wasn’t involved too? Or maybe Klingons?
I know Trump says dumb unfounded things on an hourly basis but this one is a top ten level stupidity comment
Without a shred of evidence, of course
Well the US can call it the Gulf of bullshit all they want, for the rest of the world it IS the gulf of Mexico. Renaming it doesn’t give them anything extra, or any rights.
Its actually just really really petty and little, just some nonsense so that his base can say " look ge is really working hard for us!"
Eehhh, not to rain on your parade but in Ukraine it was Putin’s Russia doing the funding and support, not the US.
Not that it matters much, the US has a long history of fucking over other countries, Nicaragua, chile, Iran, just a few examples.
Either way, they’ve never been as brazen and petty about it
Pretty sure the only “no” option is “ask me later”
What’s wrong with insert programming language you personally dislike?
You disagree with me? Then you dont know as much about this subject as I do because if you did, you’d agree with me
Thank you for making my point for me
That is my point, tankies and far right are the same thing
Seriously vice, what do you think your target audience is? 5 years olds?
What’s next, unicorns?
Fully for it, but can we stip preaching to the choir? Let’s preach to the sinners and heathens :)
It’s more relevant then ever.
With the media companies ndoing what large media companies do, aarrr think that torrents are very important indeed, matey
You’re describing half of middle managers right now
Why? At this point the US IS a third world country.
Look at it. There is a rich ruling class, and most that aren’t in it are poor enough to barely make it to the end of the month. The countries main focus is the military, which is too notch, and the test just really sucks. Its led by a dictator wannabe and so rife with corruption that they don’t even try to hide it anymore.
Any other county would be called a third world country, why not the US? Just because it’s in absolute terms rich doesn’t mean that all join in the riches or rights.