If I wanted to chill like a villain in Mordor, what music would help with that?
All I can think of is like fiery places like Fire Temple from Ocarina of Time lmao
Please only chill stuff and yes I know Mordor is practically antithetical to chill, make it work haha
Bohren & der Club of Gore have described themselves to make ‘music to be buried to’
The Croaks.
Sounds like you need this: https://mikeljakobi.bandcamp.com/album/middle-earth-chill
I can imagine Sunn O))) in Mordor.
Dammit, that was going to be my line
The lowest hanging fruit for recommending here is probably Summoning, that’s about as close to a band who’s entire concept is “Chill Mordor Ambiance”. Alternatively, anything in the Atmospheric-Black Metal to Dungeon Synth pipeline, Ornatorpet, Paysage D’Hiver, or Old Sorcery. You might not find the screechy vocals to your taste, but it has unmatched Atmosphere.
Doing the Dark Lord’s work!
See, this is why I love asking questions and hearing from real people over AI… what AI could have made that connection and here we are?
Fantastic, thanks bro
What would be a good album to start with just off the top of your head so I have a starting point?
Summoning - ?
I’m sort of also going for the Subrosians from Zelda oracle of seasons type vibe aha. No idea why
Just don’t go inside the dance hall, it ruins the vibe.
You can pretty much pick up Summoning from any album, they started out metal-focused with their earlier releases like Minas Morgul, so those might not match the “chill” vibe. That said, everything after Dol Guldur starts to lean all the way into Dungeon Synth. Personally, I think the best album to start with is probably Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame, I’ve always felt it was the moment they perfected their sound.
Check out Cryochamber on Bandcamp, there’s a lot of dark ambient that might suit you.