Tonight’s wave:
Good swim.
I like this one. Has Interstellar vibes. 🌊👩🚀
Goodnight all! I’m not particularly tired, mostly just done with the day and want to go to bed to kind of retreat into my personal space a bit. Pleasant dreams.
Goodnight :)
Fuckem go back keep the laptop and microwave some fish in the common room :)
Have a good one!
Woo hoo! 🎉
Woohooo!! Happy dance 💃 🎉🥳
Congratulations. 💐
Really crossing my fingers that the next place is much less of a shemozzle!
i can’t walk into any modern house now without thinking “shemozzle”
Thank you! Either way my tolerance for bullshit has increased.
Woo! 💪🏼
Hahaha. At the other place they were discussing cutlery drawer order. Knives, forks etc. Pffft. That topic was so yesterday. We are trendsetters people.
Google photos keeps sending me notifications about when Gibson arrived.
That centre photo is so adorable.
I fail to see the problem here
This is a common occurrence lol
I am wrecked for today. I have no more going up and down stairs in me.
but this house is so nice
I have views of trees beyond my terrace and out the windows, not walls. It’s quiet. It smells nice here. It’s big and roomy and easy to live in.
I am so happy for you! Can’t wait to hear about how you thrive in this space!
I’ve been gone 30 mins and the other person in my team is already messaging me
reply back with your consulting rates
“The person you are texting is not available. Do not try again later”.
you are bloody kidding me, right? is this the useless person? Block 'em! and tell their boss “only been gone halfa and they are already messaging me. not a good look for the company but if you need me (and I agree with Seagoon here) I’m happy to adhoc assist at (outrageous consulting fee)”
That consulting fee idea is a really good way to stop the messages real quick.
Oh HELL no to that!!
Yeah nah fuck all that noise lol
OMG 🤣🤣🤣
hahahahahahhahahahah. good riddance.
Right?!?! She gets paid more than me, and has been there double the amount of time.
Suck shit lol
I have 4-and-a-bit days to make my first official cosplay item. A helmet of sorts.
I was hoping Amazon would provide the goods but they let me down.
So now it’s me, a hot glue gun and some supplies from Savers, Bunnings & Spotlight.
The hopes of a 9yo boy are in my barely-capable hands.
Goddang it. Slept from 2pm to 8pm.
Fucking up my sleep pattern! 💀
Crickets loud, sky pretty.
Lunch with people from the office, 2 more meetings and I’m done. Fuck yeah catchya fucking later!!!
Less than two weeks of daylight saving left. I’m going to take some evening walks while I can.
1 hour to go then the laptop gets handed in
people in your org return laptops? none of ours ever do. they are supposed to, but most just go “meh”
Seriously? Everywhere I’ve worked they’ve always made you hand back your laptop.
Well HR say its illegal to withhold final pay. And since the cost centers arnt charged for missing equipment none of the managers give a shit.
⏱️ 35 mins…
alright. Van sorted (not cheaply, but sorted). Some of the gear has arrived including some all important poles but a lot of the other essentials (like waterproof mattress protectors to protect bed in the event of a wet packup) are enroute. And the nice to haves (new kettle, sheets, chopping board, dish drainer) are still awaiting shipping dates. Thinking this might be a very bare bones dry run this weekend.