Yep. The suggestion algorithm is way too aggressive. Keep in mind you can remove individual videos from your watch history.
Agreed. You watch one video and the entire homepage changes.
I think maybe it’s geared towards people who watch more YouTube. I never have any single topic take over my entire homepage, literally ever. I even watched a balatro video like two weeks ago and I got two tiles on my homepage that showed balatro. But I also watch a lot of YouTube, so any one video doesn’t change much about my watch patterns. Last year my wife decided we were suddenly going to be watching videos about using turkey calls, and we watched about ten of them in a row and then I was getting a good number of recommendations for turkey shit, but still nothing like OP’s homepage.
I watch a lot of YouTube and my experience contradicts yours. Watch one dog video and suddenly it’s nothing but dog videos.
Do you pay for YouTube in any manner?
Same here. My wife and I primarily watch YouTube (mainly let’s play style stuff, but a lot of non-game stuff as well). Looking at my homepage right now, I’ve got a few gaming videos, some Dropout (amazing comedy), some 3D printing and DIY videos.
Over the years, the algorithm has gotten pretty good with its recommendations for us. Watching some niche videos barely affects our feeds.
I think there’s a sort of perfect storm that can happen. Suppose there are two types of YouTube users (I think there are other types too, but for the sake of this discussion we’ll just consider these two groups):
Type A watches a lot of niche content of which there’s not a lot on YouTube. The channels they’re subscribed to might only upload once a month to once a year or less.
Type B tends to watch one kind of content, of which there’s hundreds of hours of it from hundreds of different channels. And they tend to watch a lot of it.
If a person from group A happens to click on a video that people from group B tend to watch that person’s homepage will then be flooded with more of that type of video, blocking out all of the stuff they’d normally be interested in.
IMO YouTube’s algorithm has vacillated wildly over the years in terms of quality. At one point in time if you were a type A user it didn’t know what to do with you at all, and your homepage would consist exclusively of live streams with 3 viewers and family guy funny moments compilation #39.
You may be on to something. I am much more like person A.
I am also person A, so no I don’t think that’s it. A few of the channels I watch upload a good amount, but the rest is very infrequent uploads or very very niche channels.
I think it’s just quick to hop onto new things that appear, but it evens out fairly quickly. I assume it’s similar to a PID controller tuned to adjust quickly but overshoot, and then come back to level over time. It seems to essentially be a test to see how much of a new thing you’ve watched you’re willing to watch. Once it sees you’re not opening a lot of them it levels out almost as quickly as it started. This let’s it quickly adopt new things you like, but (at least for me) it doesn’t stick around if I don’t engage.
Free autism diagnosis by the algorithm
Unironically the YT algorithm that pushed me into videos that eventually made me get diagnosed by a professional.
Just turn watch history off and find your own way. My YT homepage is blank. Fuck suggestion algorithms.
Does no one use the Subscription page anymore? Are people even aware of its existence at this point?
I used to utilize the subscription page. Then Google replaced YouTube accounts with Google accounts. I haven’t logged in since.
Yes, I’m old.
Do you want to link your account with Google+?
Ok, we’ll ask you again later.
I don’t subscribe to anything, but I’d prob use it if I did. I only go to YT for one-off videos and just search for what I need.
Yep subscribing is the way to go.
The algorithm is dumb. It will even recommend the same video you watched before if you let it…
It will even recommend the same video you watched before
That is why I started liking (or dis-liking) every single video I watch, if it has the thumbs up/down I certainly know I already watched it and move on…
With that said I don’t know if I am tweaking or making my algorithm dumber lmao.
Ive found using clients to watch helps. They are generally much more intelligent on the history side.
What do you mean by clients?
Bump. This is what I do too. So much easier to just avoid it entirely.
I had mine off for years. I would look at my subscribed channel feed and that’s pretty much it. But I recently turned it back on, and I actually like it. I pretty much only watch videos about science, math, philosophy, technology, SNL, and… Symphony of the Night randomizer races.
My entire recommended feed is just more of the same, and I’ve discovered tons of new channels to subscribe to. A lot of the channels I subscribe to only post like once every 2-4 weeks. I don’t want to have to do a search just to have something to watch at mealtime. Having random things recommended is nice.
If I watch a weird video out of the blue, I might see two or three recommended videos of that kind next time I open YouTube. Not at all like what OP’s screenshot is showing. I even went on a deep dive watching Snooker videos and it would still only recommend a few a day. And after I stopped watching him, I no longer see a single one of those videos in my feed.
I’d say it’s working pretty great for me. I don’t see what all the fuss is about.
If I ever watch one Mr. Bean YouTube video, all my suggestions become Mr. Bean. I mean he’s ok but they literally have the same video uploaded to multiple channels with slightly different names.
Give me more different Mr. Bean. Stop repeating the Bean.
Unfortunately there’s only like, 10 Mr. Bean episodes. Not much “more different” to go off of there.
That realisation was what made me doubt all of my childhood memories.
Kid me was sure there was at least 50 episodes of an hour each. Nope. Only 14. All less than half an hour long.
Rowan Atkinson’s been in a lot of other stuff, for example Blackadder (multiple series). He’s also played Mr Bean in lots of movies.
A childhood favourite of mine, The Witches, featured Rowan Atkinson as the hotel manager. Apparently during filming (which took place in a real hotel, not a sound stage) Rowan was in his room when the crew noticed water pouring out from under his door. They opened the door and found him sleeping in bed with the water running! The sets outside were flooded and a bunch of equipment was damaged by water!
This is there first time I am learning about this and I am also finding it difficult to accept
You watch one video about old people reacting to rage against the machine and suddenly all the recommended videos are by “reactors” that make $50k a month doing nothing but watching movies with their mouth open
an acquaintance of mine did a reaction vid where they reacted as one normally would - ie very minimal almost nothing - to a star wars announcement and got death threats lol
Hey, that is a useful job! Do you always have opinions on things? Are you sure, you always have the right opinions? Come on, let’s make sure and watch a person with a funny face watch other things and move said face in a way, we can immitate!
youtube algo is such a piece of shit.
Watch lets plays and tech channels, every day, for months.
Accidentally watch 30 seconds of a right wing psychopaths video because they buried the lede with the video title, and all youtube wants to show me for 2 weeks is right wing extremist bullshit, and takes months to get back into getting suggested the shit i normally watch on the daily.
I hate how pro right wing YouTube is. Half the time I make an anti-Trump comment, it gets censored. But plenty of pro-MAGA comments get through constantly.
I can tell that I’m getting censored because my comments simply won’t be there when I go back to the same video from a different account. But it’ll show up in my comment history with a “some comments might not be visible yet” disclaimer at the top. Sometimes if I keep reposting the comment it’ll eventually go through, but by then the video has stopped being promoted by the algorithm and so no one sees it. This only happens to me when I get political.
most websites like youtube/twitter/facebook/etc/etc are all heavily pro-right wing.
They’ve claimed in the past they don’t want to appear “biased” by cracking down on right wingers for rules violations. but honestly, it was obviously bullshit since they had no problem with “biased” appearances when cracking down on any other group, and often for far far far less than what right wingers routinely get away with.
Right wingers are where their bread is buttered. They buy more ads, they run less adblocking, and they click more ads.
I use a 3rd party app Freetube. Don’t need a google account and you can set multiple subscription profiles for different types of content. I only find new channels from suggestions for each video but stick to subscription as home page. But as with any 3rd party front end, YouTube is in constant battle with them, especially with vpn which can break things once in a while but it is a price you have to pay for a bit of privacy.
Not just privacy, also usability. I can’t watch 5 minutes on YouTube without ads and the algorithm is aparantly more important than your own preferences, according to Google.
Oh definitely but my comparison was with Firefox using ublock origin so didn’t mention the ads. YouTube with ads is literally unusable for me and I don’t wanna pay money to google either. I haven’t seen YouTube recommendation page in so long so can’t remember how bad it is lol.
I’m am so strict about what I watch on my yt account. Anything that is just a one off for curiosity or that I think will destroy my front page gets opened in a private browser or 3rd party app.
Fwiw, you can delete videos from your viewing history to theoretically fix it.
Yeah i do this. I browse front page for any recommendation and if it’s a shitty clickbait or something from a search or lemmy that i don’t wanna get flooded with, i delete that video. Then it won’t recommend you that sort of video.
You gotta control the algorithm and make it works for you.
This! You can curate the algorithm to work for you!
This is the way to be. Any time I see someone else’s feed in YT I almost always cringe in horror at what they’re being force fed. Curate your algorithms folks!
I do this, but every now and then I still click on a video and then realise I shouldn’t have because my recommended feed is then flooded with videos about that specific topic. I’ll have to remember the watch history trick
I hope it helps!
the trick is to ignore your homepage and only browse your subscriptions page
you can use an extension to automatically redirect to your subscriptions page
Pretty much what I do with Lemmy, too.
You’re using YouTube wrong. You’re supposed to set your default page to the subscriptions page.
Log out, clear cookies, never log in again.
At least those are videos of a real videogame.
I find it incredibly insulting how my algorithm is always giving me ads and thinly veiled ads for predatory casinos wearing the mutilated echos of popcap games (pre EA). It equally insults my intelligence and the artistry that actually earns the prestige of successful, critically acclaimed games, and it is a disgusting, pathetic way to earn a living.
YT assumes you’re always binge-watching. Which people often are apparently.
Just use your subscription tab, like we did in the olden days.
What is balatro?
Look it up on YouTube!
Drugs given video game form.
the best way to describe it is a poker roguelike. its weird but addicting, i like it a lot.
The downfall of my productivity at work
A well-liked card game on the computer.
I remember when I Ran by Flock of Seagulls was randomly playing in my head so I decided to listen to it. YouTube took that as me finding a new favourite band. I mostly listen to industrial metal.